
Have any comparisons or contrasts particularly stood out for you so far?


Also, why the hell was there a pen at a sex party?

Did King hate his dad?

I thought Geddy Lee had died. You scared me for a moment. Had to actually check his Wikipedia page.

Korb composing the music was mentioned in a pre-release blurb on Steam.

This is the AV Club.

Now, if only the Blade Runner game were actually available in playable form, which this article strangely neglects to mention!

I've heard Houston is better.

Nice comment. It's good to see you're enjoying the show and reviews.

There are some seminal flash games — Crimson Room, Mystery of Time and Space — and, if we're including ARGs created as artistic works, the masterful Perplex City — that run the very real risk of being lost to time. Perplex City's archive has already been largely removed from the internet, and not all of it is

Oh snap

The Wolf Among Us is a very good game.

On the subject of remakes, has anyone here played the Full Throttle remake? How is it?

This could be an excellent subject for a discussion topic: games that were evolutionary dead-ends.

You're so brave, thank you for sharing your story

If Ru is going to crown America's Next Drag Superstar based solely on race, then she should just forgo a finale, plunk the crown on the head of whichever queen was either of a different or similar ethnicity to the reigning queen before (and how do you decide which one of those two patterns to follow?), and call it a

this all sounds fascinating

It's so completely unlike anything she's done before.

They filmed a fake crowning for Peppermint, too.