
"Sam Barsanti" is two people: a human and a Newswire-generating computer.

There really should be an apostrophe after Moms in that title.

I liked Day of the Tentacle Remastered because it showed a game realizing its true potential twenty-three years after its original release. The original is sometimes referred to as embodying a Saturday morning cartoon in style and tone — its once-malevolent characters are goofy and largely harmless here, and the score

I liked Day of the Tentacle Remastered because it showed a game realizing its true potential twenty-three years after its original release. The original is sometimes referred to as embodying a Saturday morning cartoon in style and tone — its once-malevolent characters are goofy and largely harmless here, and the score

Let me introduce you to Bouffalant, Rufflet, and Braviary.

B/W was probably the generation with the largest amount of forgettable Pokemon. I suspect I'd remember even fewer of them if I wasn't vaguely interested in the VGC scene, in which some Generation 5 Pokemon are commonly used.

I kind of want a Mega Dunsparce. There

At least ten of them, counting spinoffs.

I'd have to agree, especially when it came to Machinarium. That said, my main problem with Machinarium wasn't necessarily the puzzles (even if some were truly irritating) but rather the fact that the game crafted such an interesting world but spent so little time on its most fascinating details.


Thank you for this.

Who's that ginger bearded guy in the foreground? He's yummy.

Not Dekalog? For shame.

I really love how the comment section is 99% about Bush's potential political views and not about the music. Feels like home.

It's the first episode that counts as a genuine character study of Gayle.

She also had roles on Transparent and Dig.

I was previously thesmokeylife but changed my username for a Halloween joke over at the Gameological Society and kept it since.

It was a joke.

I have.

For a minute, I thought this was going to be a "John and Marsha"-style exchange.