
they smart if i still use to play cod i would touch that if fallout came out the same day

techies is useeless now when was the last time u played a game with techies getting 1st blood his mines is to weak

MicroSoft dont care about PC gamers why much they get Modders work for free and Microsoft using this as a selling point for their XBONE if mod going on X1 they should pay or start treating PC gamers better

u say nothing about the game u raving about the game

u saw nothing about the game and raving

same it was an “ kinda OK” game but nothing amazing dont get how people raving over this


no this doesnt looks cool

can i hide post on kotaku i hate seeing these stupid persona dance gifs

i really hope this is not the only person u can play as i want to make me and im not a middle age fairly handsome gritty white guy and i dont want to experience a story i want to play it as myself

the pc version might still be downgraded for u console peasants

The Only reason I got GTA 5 on PC was For MOD and THe Hope that someone will Remake GTA SA PC online is no different then console online the game is the same if rockstar Told us up front about their mod policy Alot of us wouldnt of Bought the game again #MODSOVERONLINE

and u telling me watching 22 men run around a field is better then Esports PFFF

no they didnt how is this any different from hentai porn this crap is just SJW thinking all men are just rapist who wants to rape

THey trying to hit every mark Advance Warfare ,Titanfall robots ,Meatal Gear Mecs ,Crysis bow

why havnt we got a jetpack yet

from 1 season and less than 100 chapters of manga and this took over can this live up to all this hype

what about playing without hackers

can someone start a Kick starter for modders to remake the whole of GTA SA i mean every little part from the missions to the maps

all the internet is now is to see what trendin g and force out senseless topice about it Sad Sad Time