The antisex feminist is going to flip their shit
The antisex feminist is going to flip their shit
There will never be an amazing star wars game cause on;y big devs will get the property and these devs wont take risks and it will be anyone COD with light sabers
same rules apply
i dont even bother with talltale game anymore ill check back the following year cause this episode thing is crap
I hate speed runners u can find glitches to end a game fast take a cookie
Civ multilayer needs commentary like a CNN that would be so cool
this whole thing is crap ask any street worker they dont want to get to know the person its simply a transaction and to the "JOHN" its simply pleasure im sick of this crap about treating sex worker like they are your wife its just stupid people dont go to hookers for a relationship they go for the persons body and…
YOu SJW are now light the religoius fundamentalist why do do you have to establish a relationship before having sex muchless for a video game i still dont get the hate for gta hookers the only way they can express enjoyment for the player to feel like they achive something is to give you health
im so sick of people calling things related to sex weird when they dont want to say the liked it
can someone recommenced an adult hardcore scifi somthing that is about hard decision and not just senseless romance or good vs evil black and white morality
i cant force myself to keep playing this the controls are way to stiff and why do they have to make u so weak strarting off the running is dumb u dont get anywhere
People has officially accepted COD to be a force of nature
u know how much Public Figures get hate tweets ever she is just a professional victim
how do u even get into heros of the storm
im so sick of everyone sayng just wait for the sequel destiny was crap so wait for the sequel watch dogs was boring so just sequel
old people will watch this and say what a waste of time and then praise someone why builds a boat in a bottle or some boring shit like that
is this series getting to big for its own good can it live up to the hype
maybe i had to play civ 5 but i though beyond earth was good
dont really need to watch this video saw what i came for in the gif