
You know, those two helmets where the only two in TDB that I actually liked (the top one is way better. The bottom one just has a soda can on it.)? And we were getting along so famously too! I tend to like hunter gear that looks funcional, and those looked like they were designed to be used in hostile environments

I think the saddest thing about armor design in Destiny is that you look so, so rad on your way to level 20. Sleek. Futuristic. Functional. Bad ass. And then you get all the end game armor and you look like an ugly terrible reject version of whatever the big bad happens to be at the time.

I don't care about GoT! When will the new Tales From the Borderlands episode come out?!

The entire game is a beta, just look at how much it's changed since it's been out. A solid game shouldn't change this much. If they had a decent QA team, there shouldn't be this many issues to fix in the first place.

Either way, I understand the point you are trying to make. Why wasn't this available when the DLC first came out? I know that the Vault of Glass (the first raid) Hard Mode wasn't out til a few weeks later, so it doesn't surprise me that it is the same for the second raid. I do agree with what you said as well, it

You say that like it's a bad thing!

Consider myself quite a Nintendo fan. That being said, I can't wait until the wiimote is gone (in its current form at least).

That's really fascinating... it almost makes me want to take a gamble and pre-order it to support them.

And I think it's gonna be a long long time

NOW THIS....this, I like!!

That could be amazing, as long as they don't go too crazy with it. It should feel more like a realistic, plausible near-future than some sort of Saints Row absurdity-fest.

A Bay Area GTA would be dope.

Heck I would be happy with any sort of cyberpunk open world game GTA related or not.

GTA Fifth Element style? Yes f*****g please!

It could basically be the Blood Dragon expansion of GTA V. New San Fierro expansion with brightly colored EVERYTHING.

I like this idea....GTA 2077

Now you're talking!

Replace Bayonetta with Shovel Knight and that is exactly how I feel.

you forgot someone.