
You went to a tourist trap and were underwhelmed. Shocker.

That's moronic, though.

It's three dollars now.

I don't think these two have to worry about any kind of chemistry.

I haven't watched season two yet but I'll probably begrudgingly watch at least some of two.

The best version of him is barely tolerable, which happens about 1% of the time. There's hoping someone can improve and naively thinking a shitbag isn't a shitbag because he smiles once a month.

If the moment after that screencap is Gus pumped full of bullets then I'll watch.

Nice? Chill? Ahahaha.

One of us thinks of race as a superficial trait because they're unable to check their white privilege, the other lives in the real world where white people have taken credit for and co-opted contributions from people of color for centuries. I know which one isn't a complete dipshit.

You're precious.




Good point. And white people just haven't gotten their due for their contributions to the arts so this movie was a way to balance the scales.

That's true, you're right, bye.

Make Jazz Great Again

Okay, dude.

I guess we saw the movie as having very different judgments of its characters then.

But we're supposed to feel bad for Gosling when he goes commercial, which makes Legend's character the sell out (even though he's 100% right) and Gosling's (white) character the defender of "pure Jazz". Give me a break.

That's the most generous reading of that movie. But then the romanticism of Gosling's pursuits are completely undone and the movie ends up being about a sad, misguided, unlikable loser and I just can't imagine audiences think that.