
You must have said people overthink the issues with The Last Samurai, because you're clearly so in touch with cultural diversity.

Skinny cracker tries to fight for the soul of jazz music. Lone black character sells out and just "doesn't get it". Wow, I'm so dirty from digging so deep.

I don't think superhero movies can function without self-indulgence.

The self-referential winks to the audience, the hints to future movies, every movie being effectively a trailer for the next movie, the arms race of the "stakes" in each subsequent movie, the exhausting and ever-expanding universe, the MCU being a boot camp for comedic actors to get ripped, superhero movies being

Have you watched them?

lol okay

I think "white savior" movies are best enjoyed as shallow feel-good stories. Dig deeper and you see the unattractiveness of it all.

I didn't make that charge, so I can't be bothered to defend it.

Superhero movies are self-indulgent and they do fine at the box office and often with critics. Same with mega-popular franchises that critics finally came around (too late) to, like Fast and Furious. If we're measuring quality by box office and critics, then the taste-makers truly are Average Joes and bloggers. Hard

Sometimes a movie delivers a slow pitch down the middle that both audiences and critics can both hit. I would imagine it's harder than it looks but I'd imagine La La Land ages about as poorly as Forrest Gump did.

It's almost as if the general public really responds to shallow feel-good stories.

Very excited to hate-watch this!

This is not news. Hypothetical Max Landis is almost more interesting than actual Max Landis.


This is unforgivably offensive to Emma Stone.

Everyone forgets Tiffany exists. She gets my vote.

Money solves a lot of issues. I'll start a march for Barron's self-esteem when non-rich children can afford to eat three meals a day.

I'm struggling to concern myself with the self-esteem of a billionaire's son.

I think he'll be more of a Robert Durst than a shooter.

Physical formats lol