
I'll use the Visa gift card to buy season three on a format that people actually watch in 2017.

You must have been a blast in that screening Rocky.

What a redemption story.

Is it easier to space out bites on a shit sandwich or eat it all in one sitting?

I have pretty bottom of the barrel expectations for the show now and they still weren't met.

Ha, finally somebody else who enjoyed the heck out of it.

I found myself being the only person in the theater laughing, and I resented every other person in the audience for that.

Well, whatever eases One Chord Wonder's sense of tedium, I always say.

We seem to be able to get by with the loads of religious denominations and growing number of sexual orientations on the spectrum, so I'm not sure why dietary microcategories seems to befuddle people.

It's all murky for sure. I'd like to think any person who eats fish once a year isn't calling themselves a pescatarian. I think a majority or substantial minority can dictate how you label yourself. Are you eating fish 3-4 days a week? I'd say pescatarian is more accurate than vegetarian. Are you smoking at least a

The merits of anecdotes aside, I don't disagree with what you're saying. I'm saying if a person eats fish, they're not a vegetarian and calling themselves one only serves to confuse people who aren't hip to more than three dietary categories. And by not using the term pescatarian because it sounds bougie or whatever,

I think being vague and inaccurate about your diet is incredibly dumb and counter-productive, but do you. Yes, a binary world is much easier to comprehend, but eventually people have to grow up.

But there's already a term for his diet. It's not "all or nothing"; it's "accurate or inaccurate".

But the value of that effort is clearly something we would disagree on.

What a lazy way to justify this z-tier new content.

Oh. Bravo to them, then. This truly is an impressive article.

Who returns eggs?

It's still so amazing that one of, if not the best show on TV is on USA. What a time to be alive.

"I'm late for my church group. Peace."


Where Super Troopers at?