
Reaction shots don't count in comedy now? I guess you can throw The Office out the window then.

Malick makes really pretty screensavers.

Which three then? Eh, I don't care.

Thanks largely to Chance.

We disagree significantly on the quality of his last three albums then.

I'm gonna go ahead and block you now because I think you're psychotic.

Noah? Is that you?

Thinking you're in a position to objectively judge the bravery or non-bravery of anyone is kind of a cunty thing to do.

You can't be a real person.

I'm crying crocodile tears for people who are on the hot seat at the office for saying stupid shit in public. There's an easy solution for that…

Oh no! Not his sitcom gig!

"The first half hour of Brave is magical, but the rest is so bad that it actively angers me."

That's how I feel about Wall-E.

For the first two levels, I'd say this game was humming at about a solid B+. The traversal felt fluid, and the combat was so infrequent that it didn't really bother me.

Fast forward to the final stage, where you do literally no free-running, but instead use the grapple hook to climb a skyscraper, and then fight two

You're fucking insane.

Great article, Mike. In my head, though, I distinguish between opening scenes and credit/title sequences.

Oh fuuuuuuck yooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Promotion on ESPN's home page is the difference between a separate site that aficionados stumbled upon and the long-form writing arm of ESPN proper. That's a major difference for a website.

And I'm sticking to my assumption that The Undefeated cratered because everything Jason Whitlock touches turns to shit.

We're all just Bosom Buddies just waiting to find each other!

The model wasn't the problem with Grantland's lack of traffic. It was ESPN's lack of promotion.

Let's be real: It's hard to get through college without dabbling in drag.