
In multiple threads. Message received loud and clear.

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lol "research"

This is what I felt after playing the demo for We Happy Few.


Only movie I ever walked out of was Mann's Miami Vice, but when I was really young, I was forced to see Hudson Hawk at a drive-in.

Boy genius really reaching his potential here.

If you need that explained to you then you are one already.

Building antique cars and custom computers don't inherently make you a deplorable douchebag, though.

Maybe it's any number of other reasons that are more about you than about the movie or other people.

An exhaustive guide…that doesn't even include the short films. Pfft.

*Adjusts glasses, revs engine*

The opposite of Ford's one-note acting—eyes wide and mouth agape.

Hopefully he'll regenerate in the premiere so I don't have to suffer this Doctor anymore.

Kendrick's new single.

Nothing that I've been able to find. Which is tragic considering I can walk to a Freihofer's from my folks' house in NH.

Agreed that fancy pants buns take away from the innards, but a top split is more about the scaffolding than the building materials. It allows for more (over) loading, like with chili dogs or clam rolls or any of the tuna/chicken/ham/whatever salad rolls you can make. I can binge eat four hot dogs a hell of a lot

Worth it.

Hmm, that does sound like us, so I can't argue against it.

Having lived in Chicago for 15 years now, I've come around to most of the items on this list. But it kills me that I can almost never find a New England top split hot dog bun. It's superior in every way, especially when making tuna or lobster rolls. Try lightly grilling a poppy seed bun oh wait ya can't.

You're right. A deep dish pizza is a quiche if you pretend like a quiche can exist without a custard filling. You know, the main, defining ingredient.