
Are you saying you enjoyed her Woodward story arc? Yikes.

He's not illiterate. He's just blind.

"14 times Daredevil saving the day was everything"

"Write the story only YOU can write!" Literally no one wants to read that. Maybe Matt. That's it.

The whole editorial scene with Karen at the end had me eye-rolling so hard that I nearly went blind. How ironic would that have been, though?!

I was totally awestruck by the shot featured in the first screenshot. Just stunning.

Better delivery, equally bad material. A polished turd is still a turd. Oh, she's rifling through files or tearfully standing up for Frank? Wake me when someone's getting punched.

Great prison fight but the Karen stuff is almost Iris-levels or boring. I thought this season really limped to the finish line, and the focus on non-superhero characters was a big part of that.

And if you're at all curious about why—because *I* consider you an expert on the subject—it's because my work has cripplingly spotty wifi, and I like watch shows on my lunch break, so I download them following their airing, transfer them over to my tablet, and voila!

I spend more time watching TV than talking to humans, so there's a ceiling to my happiness. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME.

I guess I'm a unique case: I pirate 90% of the shows I watch and I pay for cable.

Foyer Fight

Reward a piece of shit by punishing bigger pieces of shit. Justice has been served!

If we don't, then there's just no point.

I say we build a DOME and make Krypton pay for it!

The new-ish HBO special at least. I don't think I've seen her earlier stuff.

I watched her newest HBO stand-up while I was making dinner a while ago, so I was interrupted once or twice and had to pause it. Each time I came back, I didn't remember the setup, but the punchline was "something something my pussy!" I like risque humor, but not when it's weak. Her show is where her humor really

A lot like her stand-up.

I watch the water trickle out of the showerhead as I lay curled up in the tub. Also, MacGyver.

Can't think of one exactly, but "White-ful"? "White-y"? Or, hell, "Maxi-White-ish".