

I know the "child waxing philosophical and giving adult life lessons to grown-ups" trope is well worn territory now, but an adult playing that child had me in stitches from the jump. Rothwell is clearly an incredible comic talent.

Yeah, I'm really surprised there were race jokes in the 2016 Oscars telecast.

I felt the exact same way. Somehow made it throw this episode, didn't make it through the next one, and thankfully stick it out for the much stronger remaining episodes.

Oh, duh! Shame on me.

I enjoyed this episode quite a bit ("You're such a cumpt!" wrecked me), but the next two were so insufferable that I almost abandoned the season. Glad I hung in for 5-7, which I thought were just terrific.

Tough crowd.

AVC, please get better at picking sporting events for this feature. I know you're all pasty, anemic nerdlingers, but you keep leaving out nationally televised basketball stuff.

I said "most of". Obviously there are some hoity toity Chicagoans like yourself who can't keep their weirdly passionate and unsolicited condiment opinions to themselves.

Most of the "how dare you" sentiment regarding ketchup on a hot dog and anything about deep dish pizza is just assumed about Chicagoans and doesn't actually come (with any seriousness) from its residents. I hear more about the incredulity from people who've never lived in or been to Chicago than from anyone in the

"The dogs are also slit slightly down the side, presumably to cook more quickly." It's so the casing doesn't explode in an unappealing way when heated. Have you never cooked a hot dog, bruh?

I'm fine with those things. It's the tomato I'll never get. The bun can't support that much "stuff".

And the summers are lovely.

I know it wasn't received well, but I enjoyed the hell out of Sit Down Shut Up.

This isn't good but it's at least not as offensively bad as Love. I'm having way more fun with The Characters, which also released today.

So this is the first AV Club contest you've seen?

Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange confirmed for me how awful the epilogue in Burgess's otherwise brilliant novel was.

Pff, and they say there are no women directors. Now there will be two on one movie!

Transitioning: The Director's Cut of their physiology.