
I assumed Wes meant the Windy City Times.

It sounds like you've given the show a fair shake. Maybe move on?

You're hilarious. You should have your own show! And really, if you have to ask why you should like something, then you're not going to be persuaded to like it.

I think your "What's Good" dial is just busted.

I totally agree. And even just a few years ago, Assassin's Creed games used to be my "busy work" games. I'd zone out and clear the map while watching a show or some 30 for 30s on my laptop. It was no more invovled than getting to the next level of candy crush, or some other mindless "go here, do this, repeat ad

I found Hotline Miami 2 to be a complete bastardization of the first game, and I had no problem finding new and creative ways of approaching situations in SoM, so we'll have to agree to disagree there.

I definitely felt that way about Far Cry Primal (and most Ubi games at this point). Sticking with hunting, crafting, and claiming outposts was the only way that I was able to avoid burnout. Collect 150 randomly scattered items, all of which are shown on the map? Naw, son.

But that's a subjective measurement. I thought it justified the 25 hours of gameplay. And my enjoyment of those 25 hours didn't fade because of some existential "why are we even doing this?" crisis or because my enjoyment depended entirely on how satisfying the ending battle was.

"I'm too young for this shit!"

Or the buddy cop movie to end all buddy cop movies.

I guess I disagree with everything you just said. I found that the nemesis system gave me much more incentive to do the open world side missions than any other open world game. And really, you could use your critique about any of these types of games: "Why am I escorting a friend to Point B for a $10 reward when I'm

Even though I agree that the last bit of this game loses steam, I've never understood people who write off games (or, at least, ones that are very mechanic/gameplay heavy and less narratively focused) because the final battle is weak. Bioshock had that problem. I just beat Far Cry Primal and that had that problem too.

Cat Power

There's something to be said about being limited to 80 minutes, though. Sure, you can make an 80 minutes itunes or spotify playlist, but the fact that you can also make a playlist that's infinity minutes long means that you're probably not wringing your hands to craft the perfect 14 track playlist for a friend.

Okay, the State of the Union kicked things up a notch. I'm back in.

Ugh, that sucks to hear. I probably could have been persuaded to come back if you had said that it picks up considerably. What a bummer.

I've been frustrated and confused and even angered by this show since season 2, but never bored. Until now. This episode's big plot: Claire won't return Frank's phone calls. I'm finally cutting bait on House of Diminishing Returns.

And the show has suffered ever since.

Slightly different and exponentially sadder, but I quit 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter after John Ritter died.

I quit How I Met Your Mother when the mom died.