
So who else is going to hate-watch season 2?!

Two years ago is wasting no time?

I just assumed everyone was like me and only watches maybe two late night clips on youtube every week.

Some fodder for your therapist then.

So this is out now, but you wouldn't know it by logging on to Netflix. But apparently House of Cards season 4 is out March 4!

Honestly, I adore every time they cut to the losers the moment they lose the award. On the spectrum of "muted disappointment", there are so many deliciously varied reactions.

I'm a man, you silly boy.

Thanks for mansplaining this.

Better headline: "0% of Harry Potter films directed by female directors"

He called her "Sugarbreasts", you know, out of respect.

We should just lock 'em all up OH WAIT.

I'm sorry, do you exist in a world where people aren't constantly ragging on Ubi's copy/paste release schedule? Because I want to go to there.

I feel like a crazy person because I didn't care for Inside Out in the least. At least not the "inside" parts.

I thought they were both a massive waste of time.


Greatest-looking screensaver in history.

He's definitely made a career of elevating mediocre movies with his great visual style.

Totally agree.

After babysitting my infant nephew recently and getting sucked into new Sesame Street, I'd also be okay if HBO did something like this.
