
Holy shit, same. I used to duck under windows at night, when the lights were on inside so you couldn't see out. I think I was afraid of snipers because I was insane.

I missed the levity of the first movie. Everyone was so scared or sad or drunk or whatever. Gimme more wise-cracking, I say. And I guess I have a real serious dislike of Kingsley, so that didn't help.

Ew, no to both for me, especially the latter.

They can direct 8/10ths of a major motion picture maybe.

The sketch comedy scene really misses Bobby Lee.

Yeah, but what if it wasn't?

I'll take this a step further: The fact that the divine part was only half baked is the reason it kind of sucks. If the wife said something about each character in a really prophetic way, like Bo with the water, etc etc, then I might find the inclusion more interesting. But the fact that "swing away" was the only kind

And yet they're still reviewing SNL, which is about as ("comedically") procedural as it gets.

You're a saint.

I buy that, and totally agree with what you mentioned in another post. "Rooting for" is poor wording on my part. "Enjoying their exploits" is much more accurate. After Jane, the show morphed into enjoying the exploits of an outlaw, and I'm not sure they brought Skyler along in an interesting way to go against Walt's

Oh man, I just saw that dude the other day. I thought I was guest starring in the most meta mumblecore movie ever.

Come on. The conversation is pretty darn civil.

NOW who's the real monster?!

Yeah, that cancer-riddled insecure dude. The worst!

Thanks for explaining that better than I could. A lot of the people I listed started off bad and didn't improve until too late into the show's run. And that's entirely because the writers wrote them so two dimentionally at the outset. Many of them eventually became more three dimentional, and in Betty's case WAY more

That's a fair criticism. Sorry about that.

As I said above about Hank, repercussions are fine. Consequence is fine. I WANTED Hank to take down Walt. But I didn't want Walt's ultimate downfall to be the result of constant guilt tripping because it felt like we had already moved into a more cartoony world by season 2. Maybe I'm in the minority, but Skyler felt

I have no problem seeing a character as a piece of shit AND root for their continued success, especially when Skyler did nothing to entertain me. Like, Hank is the same sort of character challenging the bad antihero, but he did it in a much more entertaining way (to me). But I guess I watch TV to be entertained.

I had no problem rooting for Dexter. These aren't real people, you know that, right? It's possible to root for a fictional character who does bad things, because they exist in a fictional world. It's possible (and usually expected) to play as a bad video game character and enjoy it.

I guess we watched the show for different reasons, and clearly I was wrong about people rooting against Walter from the beginning and rooting for Skyler. I watched that show as escapist entertainment, not as a grounded-in-reality character study. It's clear I watch the show incorrectly.