
You know that people can still watch and discuss at their leisure, right?

So there are two reviews for the show? Clever, I guess.

Can I ask what the point is to post a review for a binge-watch show a month after the release? I think the AV Club needs to reconfigure their review strategy for shows like this.

I'll only allow it if, when I asked for a particular movie, you give me a sweded version of it. That's DIY I can get behind.

You make ALL your gifts? Ugh.

The church scene from Kingsman still puts a smile on my face.

Exactly, and the punchline is, "After I walked back and forth another five times…" or something to that effect. Classic Nathan spotlight grab.

Great job, Internet! You discovered YouTube!

Only three video game categories is embarrassing.

I am having a hell of a time deciding which show I loved more: Fargo or Mr Robot. Slightest edge to Fargo after this episode. Guess I'll have to wait for the finale. Just an embarrassment of TV riches this year.


Scathing commentary!

Jenna Coleman is just the absolute fucking best.

Bigger news would be if they made a new game engine.

The first game is one of my favorites. I can't wait to play Psychonauts 2: Part 1 in 2020 and Part 2 in 2022!

Lemme tell ya: I'm glad I don't have to put together the reviews for this show because this season has kept me consistently in awe (and an emotional basket case in general). I'd need four days and a bottle of bourbon to collect my thoughts to put pen to paper after each episode.

Yeah, I'm sure that next week will be amazing, but, damn, that would have been a terrific season finale.

I do not understand the praise for tonight's episode, Shelby. It still feels like everyone involved (save for Rafi) is phoning it in and waiting for the show to just end, which is kind of where I'm at after this season.

Well then if you don't care much about the grades you hand out then I won't either.

It's all subjective—your review, my comments—so try not to get defensive about it. What this is is me being wary of your ability to assess a season of television when through the last four episodes of (in my estimate) good-not-great Who, you think, "This is the best Who can be," and then after this episode you think,