
Agree to disagree.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

That's a kind way of saying that you were being too generous until now.


"This season has been a remarkable achievement for the show, and, pending next week’s finale, it’s got a real chance to go down as the best season of the revival, topping even Matt Smith’s debut in season five." Oh wow, I don't agree with this assessment of this season or season five. We are on totally different Who

Ghost Clara lookin fooooine.

If I had to hear "Hot Italian six-inch" every day, I might lose my mind too.

Yeah, I didn't understand why this behavior was suddenly shocking.

I saw it at the Chicago International Film Festival.

I rented The Pale King and somehow—maybe by way of a fugue state—I made it halfway through. I'd love one day to finish it to have that kind of pathetic accomplishment to my name, but I didn't enjoy any of it, so why would I bother?

I've been doing this a lot lately, especially with movies, books, and video games, even (or maybe in particular) stuff that's been "critically acclaimed." If a movie doesn't grab me in the first 10-15 minutes, if a book doesn't make me want to keep reading in the first chapter, or if a game isn't fun for me for the

I'm getting an Alphas vibe so I am very down for this.

That's not really how electricity works.

The premiere in particular felt very stilted in terms of acting but I found that it starts to even out as the show goes on.

Anne Ramsey has terrified me since I was very, very young. Her face, that voice. She's like the love child of a tarantula and nails on a chalkboard.

This looks insuffragable!

Sure, that can be fun.

I hope you're just one for hyperbole, because I wouldn't call Inside Out fantastic and I definitely wouldn't call Anomalisa a masterpiece.

Anomalisa was fine, but let's pump the brakes like it's some animation masterpiece.