
Wow, that is not at all the vibe of the actual movie.

I'm sad that Take the Money and Run never caught on. "Outsmart the cops" is the kind of twisted escapist fantasy concept I want in my reality shows.

"But YA BOY unsealed it."

I really hated The Babadook, but I'm childless so what the hell do I know.

Nip/Tuck has to be involved somehow.

Yeah, that's fine, but even their lighter scenes lack levity. Aside from a few minutes per episode from Felicity, no character is able to even crack a smile. Maybe Oliver and Dig patching things up will lighten things but I really doubt it. It seems like it's been forever since I watched Arrow because it was "fun".

I think Arrow still takes itself too seriously to be "just the best stupid fun." The Flash on the other hand…

This is what I've been holding out for too.

I know this show gets shit on a lot, but I've seen some incredible television from The Walking Dead in the past season and a half.

You mean as opposed to the sweetheart persona you have now?

Finally a terrific Eddie line reading.

YES. They all make me sleepy-eyed. Like Rock Ambien.

"Steve JobS" It was right there.

It'd clearly be more successful if they released a slightly different version of the same movie every year.

Ew omg plz no

A+ episode. I've been down on this Doctor, so this finally gave me an episode that made me fall in love with Capaldi's Doctor, and even made the Sonic Wayfarers not suck. Just incredible. (And it was immediately apparent that Moffat didn't write this. Fingers crossed that part two delivers…)

Agreed. I just hope they give Mary Elizabeth Ellis more to do than just married couple debriefing before bed.

Even less of the human aspect? Jeez, that's a feat.

Wiest plays a therapist? Then I'm assuming the show is an elaborate In Treatment spinoff. Gabriel Byrne cameo coming soon…

Casey Affleck has aged really well.