
Something tells me that Starbucks employees will find plenty of room for "cream" in his coffee from now on.

Menino went on to credit his wife's frequent BGs for the success of their marriage.

It's Nike's own fault. Tebow has been warning for years to beware of false profits.

it does seem to signal that great deals can be had in San Antonio to see winning basketball.

While not technically a typo, the unfortunately abbreviated matchup of Christ University of North Texas vs. Central Ohio College at Kettering is still the worst graphics debacle of all time.

Have you heard anything more from the people in the south?

The commissioner comments on an underage drinking scandal affecting several NBA-bound basketball players at the University of Texas:

Chris Collinsworth also comforts himself by declaring that a 5 inch penis would be "3 inches longer than that of an average man."

The summary lists the cities under consideration as New York, Washington, Memphis, Orlando, Charlotte, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

Not to be confused with the U2-Tootsie conflict, which is just a fantasy I have of Dustin Hoffman dressing in drag in order to get backstage and cockpunch Bono.

"I just saw the glove sweep up. I didn't see the glove hit his leg.'

Now playing

Don't underestimate the danger of phone books.

Now this is the kind of Dong Shot I can get behind.

"God is a Maverick fan, but obviously didn't give two shits about me."

"This guy is more of a Scottie Pippen, Magic Johnson type guy. He's not a natural born killer."

If it makes you feel any better LeBron, you finally found a way to leave us Cleveland fans ecstatic at the end of an NBA season.

@The Hitchhiker: I've had this happen plenty of times where I catch the light from a cell phone in my peripheral vision and, while it may not take you completely out of the story, it is distracting and annoying. And it's only getting worse as the phone screens get bigger.

@Marks-a-Lot: The peenmanship is impeccable, isn't it?