
That's pretty low on the list of objectionable things that I-bankers do with their money. I'm not sure what the average cab driver makes, but as others have said... $5k is a hell of an incentive to spend 6 days + return trip away from home. I know my family would be ok with that.

@ProudGeek: When he shows up at the house of some 14-year-old and they find condoms and a 6-pack of wine coolers in his personal flying device.

Please, God, please... don't let this catch on with Colts fans.

How dare they desecrate this hallowed ground - only 2 blocks from Dave & Busters - with their underage, underdressed sexy dance show?!

@Charliehorse: Ha, I hear you. I work in tv/film, so I'm cursed w/ never again being able to enjoy a show or movie without seeing bad edits, hearing where dialogue has been poorly spliced together, etc... Although with reality tv being the worst offender as far as bad production, it keeps me from watching most of

@Charliehorse: So I assume James Bond movies make your head explode?

This is worse than that story about immigrants stuffing envelopes for money that started out

This is why I'll never put myself in an occupation where people in charge of my well-being are not required to wear shirts.

"You know me and I know you, but I'd like to get to know you more."

@Lemonade: @Hakib: I should have looked further down the thread. This same discussion was going on down there. You're right, the way it's used to describe the decision is wrong. I was thinking of it in terms of the gas itself, which could have either favorable or unfavorable consequences.

@soccer1105: From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Liquidmetal... shares some properties most closely associated with glass, like... a gradual loss of integrity at higher temperature.

I like his mittens.


I think this might finally be the Bengals' year! *

@pmtbmusic: If it were Shaq instead of Lebron, that challenge could get interesting.