
I always try to smile my head off when I see interracial couples. I’m multiracial, and my ex-husband is Asian, not one of my races. I’ve remarried, and my husband and I appear to be the same race, so this is my way of supporting interracial couples. Sometimes I wonder if I come off creepy to them, yikes! I know how

My son is 9, so hand holding only happens at home now, when we are reading or having family snuggles. It is soothing and makes you feel physically and emotionally tethered to a person, and yes, it’s a shame to actually ban it between two people. I understand that as a performative display of affection, this is why the

The parent company, Unilever, tests on animals, so this is another excellent reason to not buy Dove products.

Someone else posted asking for good comebacks to unwelcome comments from men, so I decided to follow suit. This morning around 5:30 am, I was in a McDonald’s dressed in traditional clothing because I was on my way to a sunrise ceremony and I went inside for coffee in my travel mug. The employee eventually handed me

Love this one.

I’ll try it. I’m at an age where fiber is prized.

The second one is way worse because for some reason, the audience goes along with it and says “WhooOOOoooOoo!!!” when he seductively strokes the tweenage girl’s hair. The girl in the first video obviously looks uncomfortable, and the second girl looks frozen, which is a fear response.

Why does the audience in the second video go “whooOOoooOOO!!!” when he strokes the hair of what appears to be a 12 year old girl?

Oh geez I’m laughing on the toilet bowl trying to uhhh never mind. I’m wondering what the other monorail passengers thought, hearing your screams.

I grew up about 200 yards away from Grandma & Grandpa’s house. On the weekends, when my parents would dish up Grape Nuts cereal for me brother and I, we would hide it in the coffee table that had little doors, and we would make a beeline for Grandma’s house, where we would fill up on some sugary cereal that had

My husband inspired parts of Accomplices, Not Allies, which he didn’t know until years later when the writer told him so.

That statement from the DNC is an example of how the DNC is mired in reacting to the opposition, rather than promoting what they stand for. The statement was an opportunity to state the Democratic Party’s support for issues like reproductive rights, equal pay, protecting/correcting the ACA, and more. Instead of

Ahhh ok. Now I know that Robert Rodriguez is trash. Thank you. I will boycott his films.

I assume McGowan is also assigning some of the blame to actors/actresses and other film industry people who have perpetuated silence about Weinstein’s sexual predation. Sexual assault is partly about power imbalance, and a quick check of her Twitter account shows that she roots for the underdog. I’m happy for her,

Mr. Grab ‘Em By the Pussy wants to punish women for having sex. We are going back to the days of coat hanger abortions on his and the Republicans’ watch. There are going to be women who need abortions in the next few years who cannot get them.

What bugs me about this and much of the wedding industry is how weddings have become vehicles for narcissism. A wedding is a ceremony uniting two families. Or at least that’s how I approached my wedding- won’t bore anyone with the ways we involved family members in the planning and wedding vows. I do want to share

She seems like such a genuinely kind and wholesome person. In all these years she has been gone, there hasn’t been anything negative about her in the media. I am Mexican, and I don’t know her songs, haven’t seen the movie. I think I’ll watch the movie next week on my son’s fall break. To the library!

Quick, name some of Rose McGowan’s exes. I read here a few weeks ago, idk if it was in an article or in a comment, that she tweeted about her ex and her rapist having recently greenlit a project together. The implication is that the ex totally knew about the rape. She then tweeted that a bombshell was on its way, and

Now playing

It’s a Monty Python movie quote, when the French knights are insulting King Arthur and his knights.

They’re no JJ Fad, but I’ll allow it.