
I think Zoe Kravitz is going for it with the feathers. Chickens have legs and feathers.

I’d like either less train on Leslie Jones’ dress, or for her handlers to have floofed it out properly for this shot. Minus the puddle of train to her right, this dress is making me stare at that thigh, mmmmmm.

Nope. Jezebel just ran an excellent long piece on Igloo Australia I mean Iggy Azalea’s appropriation of Black culture as a huge reason for her public shaming, and then runs a celebratory piece on Miley Cyrus, who did the exact same thing. What is going on here?

Maybe he shook a lady hand to show how big his hand is? Maybe Melania had a day off from her vigorous anti-bullying campaign and was free? Maybe she’s trying to distinguish herself from Hope Hicks? Maybe Barron put them up to it in a wacky scheme to get his mom and dad to fall back in love?

Being dissed as “Igloo Australia” is so so hard. For me, this is how I remember both Azalea Banks and Igloo. I don’t know any of Banks’ songs, but I remember reading that and thinking “welp, bye Igloo!”

I keep re-reading this comment and wanting to star it again.

If you’re gonna make it, here’s what I’ve learned from combining recipes.

I quit social media about three months ago. It’s been *illuminating* to see who still wants to see me and cares about me when I’m not on social media. I jumped back on FB a few days ago to share the event link for a storytelling night I’m part of, and I was disgusted by the texts, comments and PMs from people who have

Welcome Back to Pie Town. It was okay. I read it because a good friend of mine goes to the real Pie Town in New Mexico fairly often.

I just finished a light little novel that had pie recipes at the end, and the Stay Home Pie sounded amazing. It was a tomato pie with grated cheese and herbs. The novel was good, but that tomato pie recipe might end up my favorite part.

Decent for gardeners?

Yay! Not to being antsy but to you posting.

I just came from Sprouts and was excited that the teaspoon of ground cardamom I got in the bulk spice section was free, because it was too light to weigh. So yeah, Bhad Baby’s mom is definitely living her best life compared to me.

All Trump’s base are belong to us.

Freakish manicures, text graphics mostly about moving on from “drama” or about being a queen, and vengeful posts about who I assume is her ex-husband. And the Instagram shows that this is her identity now-Bhad Baby’s mother. Small minded people, laughing to the bank.

Assholes Files For Bankruptcy <—- is what I thought it said. I may have figured out their problem.

I have the same mental block against pooping at work too. Every March, there’s this days-long ceremony where I am basically living with dozens of other people at a campsite at my tribe’s ceremonial grounds and I can’t poop there either, like for days. My first poop once I get home from that, omg it always hurts and I

Someone on Jezebel pointed out the resemblance between Shkreli and Louise Linton, and now it’s all I see when either of them is in the news. Slightly elfin features and self-satisfied smirks. A gloss of dangerous vapidity.

I get how a person’s figure can be fit. Fun too, if the figure has fun jiggles or in my husband’s case, silvery, hairy stretch marks on his back that I love to run my fingertips over. It’s fun, it’s fine. I don’t get how a figure can be flirty. A figure is a body, and a body is a skin bag filled with organs, bones,

That poor kid. His mom has attempted murder and his grandpa is a lying asshole. “She didn’t try to kill this guy” that she pursued with a loaded gun.