
I work in special education, and parts of this really do remind me of language from IEPs. The memos instead of books, well that’s “modification of instructional materials”. The constraints on 45's schedule sound like he needs “adult support to regulate emotions.” All that’s missing is the measurable data at the end,

That torrent of executive orders is what has 45 fully believing that he has done more in his first 6 months of the presidency than any other US president. He has no idea that signing an executive order is not the same as sending a bill to debate by committee in both houses, the bill passing in both chambers, and then

Look at Bruce flaunting his post-____ bod. Canoodling with his wife.

In truth, I was more peeved with Jezebel posting an article that I percieved as making light of people who deal with eclipses differently than most. I should have typed that out originally. I legit did not want to call out a Jez writer and decided to grumble about NASA instead. And you’re right- it isn’t NASA’s job to

Parts of the statement from NASA represent a rejection of cultural norms for many Indigenous tribes of North America. I’m not from a tribe that has taboos about eclipses, but that doesn’t mean I roll my eyes at members of tribes that have to take precautions today. In some parts of my state, schools in the Navajo

Maybe it’s an ouroboros?

Isn’t Mar-a-lago a few hundred yards from the coastline?

Apologies in advance to Bostonians who are tolerant, chill, and open-minded for posting this link. I’m a sports fan, so I am aware of Boston’s rep as a city hard on visiting athletes who are racial minorities. Boston has played that shit.

As a native Arizonan, and by that I mean as an Indigenous person whose pre-colonization homelands stretch from the Mogollon Rim in Arizona’s pine country to the Gulf of Mexico, making me like a 100th generation Arizonan, here’s the deal. When Arizona was a territory, it was loyal to the Confederacy, because as another

I wonder how many times LL licked his lips as he said this statement. In the 90s, my mom had an excellent LL impression which was mostly her running her open palms together while licking her lips, shrugging her shoulders and saying “Nahm sayin, I mean you know.”

Do people really pack their own towels when they travel? Are we doing that now, traveling to places where there is indoor plumbing but the locals haven’t heard of towels yet?

Please follow this link to register for free tickets to 45's Tuesday rally in Arizona, and then not show up IN DROVES. I understand this tactic was used successfully during his campaign when there was an almost empty campaign stop in lol, Eugene, OR. I know my home state enough to know that there will be plenty of

There was a Civil War battle in Arizona in April 1862 at Picacho Peak. That’s about the extent of what I know. There are re-enactments every year. It was the westernmost and smallest battle of the Civil War.

I’ve been off for about 2 months and I regret not quitting sooner.

I concur.

Please text the link to your friends and family to do the same. That’s how I heard of doing this. I’m in AZ too.


All I need right now is a documentary of the time Bree Newsome and Takiyah Thompson met and energized a new generation of activists, who taught the new activists how to powermap, how to build coalitions, and how to transform this country without relying on non-profit orgs and career activists.

There was a Civil War skirmish at Picacho Peak in Arizona after the war had ended, when the news hadn’t reached the West yet. So Arizona has a Confederate monument, and this is what someone did to it yesterday. <3

Wishing you good luck, and please make sure you rehearse your finest “Fuck all yall” speech for your last day.