I just got back from a long sweaty run that was very healing because of the stress of my last month of life and you know what! I was reclaiming my time!
I just got back from a long sweaty run that was very healing because of the stress of my last month of life and you know what! I was reclaiming my time!
I will yell it from my cubicle in solidarity. I’m Mountain Standard Time. Let’s synchronize!
I don’t speak my Indigenous language, although my dad is a fluent speaker. He has a master’s degree and as kids, he told my brother and I that our language is not a “language of commerce”, meaning that we didn’t need to know it to get jobs. So we don’t speak it. I’m much more interested in recovering traditional…
I need to see French Scott Baio in gray sweatpants, commando. Who he’s been canoodling with, grainy shots of him at beaches. And I need French Scott Baio to look pretty and keep his mouth shut about politics.
Betsy DeVos has made discrimination against students with IEPs one of her core missions, with her expansion of school voucher programs. Charter schools can turn away students who have diagnosed disabilities, because charter schools aren’t bound by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA…
How did Megan know about <name redacted> being a used car salesman now and how I pined for him every Friday night during football season when he was a star player and I was a flag girl?
“Monitor religious persecution and discrimination worldwide, recommend and implement policies in respective regions or countries, and develop programs to promote religious freedom.” So that means Brownback will be lead on opposing the Muslim ban then, right? HA! *laughs as she aggressively sands a craft project that…
He’s playing to his base of Trumptards (I work in special education so that is not a word I have ever used before-indicator of how angry he makes me) because it has been a rough few weeks with the Russia investigation, throwing his AG under the bus, Senate unable to repeal the ACA, Spicer’s resignation, etc. I’ve read…
Yeah I don’t want to see Girls Trip this weekend now, and that *was* the plan. I’d see her and think about the played-out unfunny joke and just view her as a Cosby fan. I used to own all of Jill Scott’s music, saw her live a few times, loved her in The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, but I deleted or threw away all…
I had no idea either! Eeep!
He was 72?!
Grammar tip from an Indigenous person. The following was taught to me by Simon Ortiz, one of the giants of the Indigenous Renaissance in literature.
Thanks for the book rec! My oldest niece just got her first period, and I’m on a road trip with her and the youngest niece now. She’s going into 6th grade this fall but reads at an 8th grade level. Hmmm what I’ll do (thinking as I type) is buy it and preview it to see if she’s ready. Although she’s reached menarche,…
And a nation mourns the loss of Melissa McCarthy impersonations.
Celine is Zaddy in this.
When he praised his son for “transparency” for publicizing those emails a few minutes before the NYT was going to...while also hiding his own tax returns, qwueubfnfskwonasnfbfh and blathering blatherskite!
I’m always a sucker for movies based on a true story. Michael Shannon plays a contract killer for the mob, and Winona Ryder is his wife, who is oblivious to her husband’s profession for decades. Chris Evans is in it too.
Thank you for the Michael Shannon coverage. Great actor, sinister good looks, goofy public persona. +3 I’ll watch anything he’s in. The Iceman is my favorite film of his so far, with Winona Ryder. Should still be on Netflix.