
I expected chaos and I got it. I live in a mostly Black neighborhood in Arizona, a Republican (can never remember the red/blue thing) state. I got to my polling place before they opened at 6:00 am, and OF COURSE there were computer errors and of course several of us had to recast our ballot. With the equipment

Where I live there are a good number of wackadoodles who drive around with an American flag mounted in their truck beds. Often, the flag has frayed edges and faded colors and I always wonder if those performative patriots know the first thing about flag care and that their windbeaten, tattered, and torn flag needs to

Yep, she has that ruler that she slides down the list of names, always gliding the ruler past your name, which you can easily read from 3 feet away in upside down 12 point font. She tries and tries to find your name, but her ruler is like a Ouija planchette with a mind of its own. Every time, bless her heart.

Closest cheddar fries, for the sugarfatsalt panacea or closest bar (for those who drink alcohol) might be more helpful.

How many times can I vote for the candidate or on the proposition? Which states allow voting selfies

She should have accepted the plea deal for the halibut, even it was a crappie one. She might have floundered about the decision, but if she goes to jail, she’ll have a lot more to carp about there. They won’t let her skate free and it will be roughy in there. If it were me, my sole concern would be my kids, and I

The area where the shift managers stand around is called the bridge, and it’s designed so that the managers can assess the workers’ interactions and engagement with customers.

My SIL’s dad died about 4 years ago, & I been at a loss on how to talk with her about it. We have been friends since high school and I was the one who got her and my brother together. She has mentioned that she had to get counseling after her dad died, because she was having panic attacks. Her dad had a dry, biting

With the crusts cut off! Too spicy.

Um, don’t you mean “womynipulate the writing instrument”? Or allowing for dialect and/or ideological diffs, “wombynipulate”?

“I got your letter and I will always be here for you, baby!” From Guera

Thank you. I think? I had to google what FUPA means. My mom always called those Dunlaps, as in someone’s stomach done lapped over.

Who wore it best?

I stayed home with my sick 8 year old son yesterday and around 6pm, he was feeling better and I really needed to get out of the house so we went to Target to cruise the clearance endcaps (me) and get a Nerf gun (him). And chicken broth. He is really excited about this movie coming out, and as we walked past the girls’

Chris Christie rushes to Trump’s defense, saying no, Hillary is like four days of gridlock on the George Washington Bridge and Trump is hey look what’s that over there *fades into disgraced obscurity*

With friends like these...

It probably is, but I will never miss a chance to drag Rachel Dolezal.

Thank you so much for mentioning this! I just watched the Dolly tribute and it was great, but then I got peeved that the show producers didn’t give her time for her full speech :/

My favorite mom in Bad Moms was Carla, the most deplorable mom. I am grudgingly voting for Hillary (only because I know who I’d rather have nominating the next few SCOTUS justices). My vote for Hillary is a lot like my respect for Carla. They’re both a little scary, a little scandalous, with frequent lapses in good