Future Cadavre

Are we the same person?

Goddamn both of you.

My dad taught me to pull up next to the car, back straight up until your steering wheel is even with the back bumper, then turn the wheel and back up until the car behind you just leaves your rearview mirror. At that point, turn the wheel the opposite way, finish backing in, and then pull forward to straighten out.

This is also true for hobbies that turn into professions. They’re fine with you being a photographer when they meet you, but wow, do they get salty when you become a photographer in front of their eyes.

I love how many people are taking you literally. Imagine a world where for ONE SECOND we assume women are competent and intelligent enough to know what they are saying. We might realize they are Making A Joke. And life might be so much funnier!

PR, Kloss’s show, lends a not-insignificant amount of visibility to trans and queer people, POC, and/or plus-size folks. It amplifies movements like BLM and feminism. These are not apolitical acts. I know where she stands. What exactly is the issue?

Well my coworker is playing bro-country versions of the star-spangled banner loud enough that people have to shout to be heard, and I just IMed my boss asking him to shoot me in the face, so I guess the joke’s on me.

Wow, the rabbit hole I just went down.

The first good meme of 2020 is WWIII, ya old.

Yea, that makes sense.

I vehemently agree with everything up to the last statement, although I think the last statement is a result of a headline that doesn’t match/grossly oversimplifies the article.

Most of the feeds that I brought over from Google Reader are dead.

Of course your post has one-third the stars of that fucking WhY DoN’t YoU JuSt SaY WhItE WomEn Do EvErYtHiNg WrOnG!!!111 nonsense further upthread. Goddamn, Jezebel, do the fuck better.

They should, it would be more accurate.

I’m not finished reading this, but,

I went to their site and omg. To the web designer who thought it a good idea to make a website where you had to click, hold, and DRAG an image to move to the next slide: my carpal tunnel thinks you are an an asshole and wrong. 

I vote four.