Future Cadavre

People like that love dismissing these critiques of cultural phenomenons as less important than, like, rape, but then someone actually gets raped and they don't believe that's important, either.

That's funny. In my head, if I heard someone exclaiming "lookit all the women here!" I'd turn toward them and they'd have a big, "we're finally making some headway under the patriarchy!"-esque grin on their face.

Ehhh. This is only one example, but it's in print. From a Craigslist roommate wanted ad:

WHAT??? Oh my gosh. Oof! Right in the Tweens.

If that's real.

We have a "Daily Cute" internal message board at work, mostly for cat gifs.

Oh no! You saw two Hollywood films? Oh shit! My bad! PhD for the Calgs! CASE CLOSED, EVERYONE! CLASS DISMISSED!

Is he claiming feminism in front of women or doing feminism in front of men? Normalizing is a lot more effective in practice than parlance. "Hey man, don't call her that" does a lot more for the cause than "hey bitchez, who here thinks Kathleen Hannah's a hot, smart piece of ayusssssss!"

"He didn't want to be there when his wife was about to do whatever she was going to do because he would be construed as intimidating."


Aye, the sleeve. I half expect a pack of Marlboro's tucked in the cuff and a bevy of Hot Rods in the background.

No, you made the thug argument. You insinuated that he left out his desire to intimidate her, deliberately misleading the reader. It's quite clear that his comment reflects his having to think twice about contradicting the server's claim because an on-looker would think he was intimidating her — just as the Darren

Yup. Did you read this? Right on cue:

That's not what the just-world hypothesis means. And I'm sorry, are you posting on here via smoke signal? Or is it alright for you to participate in discussion forums using technologies built on third world slave labor because you also dismiss racial motivation in every day acts of slow dehumanization, so it's totes

My agenda to up-end the ridiculous just-world hypothesis that cavalierly dismisses the intersections of classism and racism for simplified solutions that pin the blame on whichever problem we have a less of a personal stake in? That one? Yea, it is interesting. Read up on it sometime.

It's fascinating to me that you are more willing to invent a hypothetical situation where the white guy is a regular at the cafe than entertain the thought waitstaff targeted a Black man because they automatically perceive Black men talking to people in front of their cafe as common beggars.


I think a lot of women I know are terrified to admit that their potential best friends are not "their" friends—they're work friends. I know women who really suffer with isolation because of this. They really enjoy hanging out with female coworkers, but adamantly refuse to be the one who reaches out to folks outside

You're gonna boycott Bell? Gee, that's SO big of you. YOU ARE SO BRAVE.

Amazing. A Black man in clean clothes chatting amicably with people is, to you, the same as a deranged, dirty bum—who, of course, is more than worthy of our contempt, right?