Future Cadavre

So get this:

From the article:

Yea. It would be heartening if she were upfront about her own journey and process. It might be useful in the face of someone like iggy, who is so unwilling to budge, like it's impossible or beneath her (although a Black woman having to model that for a white woman is ..weird. Ideally the onus of that is on another

I don't think you listened to the entire interview. The thirteen or so minutes *from the end* — where she breaks down (and break down about) the erasure of Black history, the erasure of Black invention and progress, not just oppression (though we erase that too)—is stellar. When these guys shut up and let her speak

The punchline is that his last name is Wilson. Having his first name be Darren would have been far too obvious, stripping the joke of any set-up and rendering the punchline totally useless.

WHITE people don't say Frisco. Maybe have a conversation with someone who actually lives east of 14th sometime.

Ha! Ah. I love them, I do. It's just that times like this I wish I wasn't a singleton.

That's awful. *hugs back* I'm so sorry. I'm really lucky that my mom is usually so cute and so sweet. I love her, I do. She is just so profoundly insecure, while my dad is depressed (two of his sisters have attempted suicide—it runs in our family). I have to be more patient with them than I want, but I'm glad I can.

This isn't that horrible if you don't have parents who are varying degrees of mentally ill and play weird mind games with you and like... threaten suicide and shit.

It's a Sex and the City quote — thank the writers!

My completely dopey take-away from this article, which I didn't read in its entirety because I got completely consumed with similar "tf?" feelings at that "sex with you" part: Yea. Yea. Seriously, the lack of pronouns and verbs on IG is bugging the shit out of me.

Your comment reminds me of the saying "speak the truth, even if your voice shakes." Besides comforting us that we aren't always the most articulate or on-point, it suggests that saying SOMEthing is actually really important and valid. It gives people PAUSE. So often, people feel safe to say or do the most egregious

It's part of a multi-pronged approach to struggle and resistance. Forum theater, talking back to some shitheel at a party, getting your friends to do the same—these are by no means the end-all be-all of ending oppression; neither is teaching the next generation to be nice (which involves finding a partner and getting

Heh. I would love to, but I can't eve get tout of the greys. Grays? Greays.

I spent about a year and a half working with a program that was based Augusto Boal's theater of the oppressed, which teaches people different methods of dealing with oppression or abuse or discrimination in the moment. We would show a short, maybe 5 minute play in which somebody has something really terrible happen

Now I'm so grumpy that the baristas at my favorite cafe get so grumpy when I come in and pay for a coffee and bagel so I can use their bathroom. I MEAN.

When I read the headline I thought maybe he was going to have his friends text each indovodual phone with a significant memory, so all these phones would light up one after another with a sweet anecdote or shared favorite quote or something? But it's really just a bunch of boxes arranged in a heart shape? Unactivated?

yea. It bothers and worries me that almost all of my poly touchstones have recently gone monogamous. Or, not that they've gone monogamous, but that they pretty much all describe their new partner as the one who "finally got them to realize" how ~superior~ or ~real~monogamous relationships are. It just undermines the

Alas, one can definitely be both non-monogamous and a cheater. I was in an "open relationship" with a person who didn't disclose his relationship to me with other people he was pursuing; he just continued dating other people until they simply lost interest and disappeared. My partner insisted he just enjoyed

I remember when Alloy (we;;, I think it was Alloy—back when it was all skater-y? No?) had a guest model named Britney Spears who would be releasing her debut track "Hit Me Baby One More Time" in a few months. I read the lyrics tucked between pages of hoodies and cargo pants and thought, "this girl will never mount to