
Only one of these cards has seen a printing in the past decade, none of them are significant in competitive or casual play. Good move getting rid of them, but given their general insignificance I think the only effect will be to slightly increase their collector value.

ETA: holy shit, that’s a hell of a twofer for

the owner of El Nuevo Rodeo, paid Chauvin to sit outside the club in his squad car on the nights he was off duty”

From “Republicans buy sneakers, too.” to this.

Yeah, really. How do you say you won an ideological battle when you actually lost the election? M4A was clearly not a winning message. Maybe he should have stuck to incoherently yelling “The Banks!” in response to every question, like he did in 2016, when he performed much better.

I guess he’s so tired from fighting the ideological battle that he’s gone back into his hole for another four years. (BTW, I’d like to thank Bernie for not showing up for that Senate vote to allow the government to look at citizens’ Internet searches without a warrant so it could pass by one vote.)

And he is doing better among older voters, and white non-college voters. And currently leading in most polls. Though polls are bullshit this far out and can certainly be wrong, as we all learned in 2016. Still don’t see how it helps Biden’s standing with younger voters to have younger leaning outlets like Jezebel take

Biden is not ignoring those voters. He’s actually moving to the left in the general, relative to his primary platform, which is pretty unusual, and a clear sign that he is prioritizing unifying the party and bringing the Sanders wing on board with him.

And in such quantities that he swept the primaries!  No, wait.

The threats are going to ring REALLY hollow this year as turnout in the primaries JUMPED in most states in spite of fall off in the youth vote. 

This is why Sanders likes to say that he “won the ideological battle.”

Seriously - it’s ridiculous to point to the age group that supported Sanders “overwhelmingly” in the primary when he lost that primary “handily.”

Take it up with the CNN guy, not me. My point is that the premise of this article may have been true at a point in time about 50 days ago.

Yes, with regards to that specific demographic. Biden is absolutely doing better right now, overall, than Clinton at the same point in time, which is encouraging. However, I think saying he’s running ahead of Clinton’s pace is a bit misleading.  That’s not necessarily how elections work. 

Who got the second most votes in the Democratic primary?  Those people actually showed up to vote. 

He was doing worse in March/April compared to another candidate at the end of her campaign in November, with a specific demographic.

Among younger voters, but better among the far more important (because they actually vote) older cohorts. 

But he’s doing worse than another candidate

  • “For example, in North Carolina, overall turnout was up 17 percent youth turnout was down 9 percent,” John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Institute of politics told Power Up. “There’s not evidence to suggest that Sanders has expanded the electorate among young people in important ways.”

Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?