Yeah, aside from the kikimora, striga, djinn, green and gold dragons, cursed hedgehog knight and monsters whatsoever.
Yeah, aside from the kikimora, striga, djinn, green and gold dragons, cursed hedgehog knight and monsters whatsoever.
As someone who loved the books and enjoyed the games... I like the show because it follows the books better than the games.
So which Democrat do you hope wins the nomination?
I noticed Jannah had some metal parts on her costume which, under different circumstances, would probably really do it for ol’ robo-fucker Lando.
This is maybe my biggest gripe with the new trilogy. A galaxy far, far away with all these star systems (think about that for a second!) alien races and factions... and somehow we’re still stuck in the same old prime time soap opera trope of everyone somehow being related to each other. I was so refreshed to hear…
... and (like other moments in the movie) it just comes off as super random and shoehorned in. A two sentence dialog between two people at the tail end of a movie with no reference to give it any mean whatsoever... other than to make me wonder if Lando was really trying to get at them panty drawers.
You don’t get credit for things you didn’t put in the movie because (and try to follow this because it’s a pretty big leap) you didn’t put them in the movie. I shouldn’t have to pore through all your deleted scenes and interviews and tie-in books just to say “Oh, that’s not a pile of horseshit after all.”
Of course, she’s his daughter. Because apparently in a massive galaxy you only matter if you’re related to a Skywalker or someone Skywalker adjacent.
Using ancillary materials to flesh out background details: okay.
Whaaaat? I was thinking a “Black Panther, The Movie” shirt, and yeah, that would be worthy of comment in this context. But a “Black Panther Party for Self Defense” shirt? Yeah, that guy needs schooling. Criticism/self-criticism, and all that. Let him serve the revolution by picking up litter for month or two, and then…
He looks like a youth pastor doing a rap skit in the second picture.
“So I’m going to throw “wigger” in the air, alright?”
Yeah, my issue with TLJ all along is that it has some really terrific moments—including one, the throne room scene, that’s among the very best in the franchise—but they never cohered into a fascinating movie, and the whole thing ended up being just an interesting mess.
They probably used the pocket transporters from STar Trek Into Darkness, the magical devices that make 90% of the plot moot because of their existence. JJ’s never met a McGuffin or nonsensical plot device he won’t use if it lets him get from SET PIECE to SET PIECE faster, connective tissue and in-fiction repercussions…
Also how big is Exogol if you can fit that many Super Star Destroyers in that small a space?
What the fuck is up with that dagger? how does it only match the wreckage of the death star II from a certain angle? It was implied to be ancient. So palpatine knew what woudl happen to him? That doesn’t work....
The location of these wayfinders was implied to be long lost and written in the sacred jedi texts - so how…
JJ’s apparent inability to understand how distance and scale works strikes again in this movie.
How does Ben get a classic TIE from the Endor moon to Exegol without a wayfinder or, more importantly, a damn hyperdrive?
It took the work of decades to build the Death Star. Where do these planet killing star destroyers…
Well, I read the spoilers on Wikipedia and if they aren’t fake, then this really is a lame conclusion to the saga. No egalitarianism and equality in the slightest, you’re only special if you’re related to/descended from special people. “History is the story of a few great men, and their relatives who inherited their…
Yeah, I’d say it is. Watched the movie earlier today, and I thought it was a fuckin blast from beginning to end to be quite honest, and I credit Rian Johnson for most of it. If he hadn’t killed Snoke and strangled most of JJ’s unabashed fanservice in the cradle I think the third (AND second!) movies would have been…