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Don’t sleep on Deval Patrick. His 2012 DNC speech was awesome and he’s proven himself a very capable at the helm of an executive branch.

I feel like he’s torn between outright bailing and believing he can actually win. Most days lately, it does seem like the wheels are coming off in a hurry, but then there was that subdued teleprompter speech he made last week that made people think he could cool himself and act more like a regular republican. Overall

Here is a Vox piece on her extraordinary political skills, building coalitions and making her own route to the nomination.

I think the remake is only a year away from release, and that announcement made the whole world lose their minds, so it being old shouldn’t even matter at this point.

She’s certainly not wrong.

That’s actually exactly how I thought we should institute the american version (IE: opt-in) of mandatory election participation. Even if you cast a blank ballot, it still counts, the idea is to get people to pay attention to elections as a duty, and very few people would actually cast a blank ballot, though they may

The best part about this is that at least one of the delegates rejected for not being a democrat admitted that he changed from democrat to independent as a fuck you to the democratic party a little over a month ago (after the county convention) and then got mad as hell when he found out at check-in that it was a

Yesterday I noticed that the politico photo gallery of HRC and Huma Abedin had jumped back to the top of its most viewed, and I was wondering what caused the internet collective conservative consciousness to obsess over that again. Checked drudge, searched google for recent stories about Huma, but could find none.

True. The Democrats should do it anyway, because it’s the right thing to do and the next generation will thank them and love them for it, even if this last generation of coal miners will irrationally hate them. Reality is that cheaper alternatives and the fact that in North American all the good and easy to mine coal

Reliable jobs matter to people. Even dangerous and unhealthy jobs. The thing is, republicans are lying to coal miners about the future of coal, because the profitable coal seams in the US are mostly mined to exhaustion, so those jobs are not going to be there for the next generation anyway. It’s foolish to just stick

No. He hasn’t.

The Black turnout in Indiana on the democrat side was 4%. That’s extremely low even by Indiana standards. As soon as I saw that I knew it wasn’t going to be a win for Clinton.

Though I am loving the irony of Sanders fans celebrating a victory in a mostly-white red state after having spent the last month

Gotta appreciate the irony of Sanders and his supporters cheering a win in a red state that’s mostly white when they spent the last month dismissing Clinton wins in southern red states that are far more diverse.

Not to mention that Sanders is supposed to be a climate hero because he’s anti-fracking but just received a

Senate is low on bubblegum these days....

NJ is safely blue. If she picked Cory Booker, we’d replace him with a solid democrat. Chris Christie would get to pick the interim person but that’s only until the special election that would elect a proper replacement and we survived that exact scenario once when Frank Lautenberg passed away and Christie got to

Which is bizarre, because the person who reported him supposedly reported hearing “shahid” but anyone who knows arabic well enough to recognize what that meant when heard in conversation would likely not have confused it for “inshallah” and would also likely have recognized far more of the conversation. Apparently

Rules are pretty clear. It doesn’t say which direction the puck has to be kicked in, it just says that a distinct motion, which that was, and it deflected off a person, not a stick, so by the letter of the rule, it should have been waived off, without question. It’s one of the few rules with little ambiguity. So this

He’s much worse. This article seemed to miss what many other articles included, his tweets begging liberals to take up arms. He’s a militant anti-establishment zealot. He was looking for a fight that fits his aesthetic choices, and that led him to taking up the pro-Bernie anti-superdelegate anti-dnc banner. That’s

They already did. When she was photographed (GASP) enjoying herself at a party in Cartagena in 2012 they called her Swillary.

This guy gets it.

It baffles me. I get that he’s defensive about his record, but he’s got to separate the fact that it’s her campaign, not his re-litigating of his own record. In 2008 he had similar stumbles and stupid remarks and then a month after the primary he was in prime Bubba, smoothly and charismatically supporting Obama as the