
True. They didn’t even have a slot for Trump on that page which is why I didn’t notice the absence of his tax returns. They should put his picture next to a big fat ZERO for clarification.

Won’t. He released just the 1040 form for 2014, no details about his taxes, and has not released any other years, despite the strong tradition of presidential candidates releasing at least 10 years. When asked he hims and haws about how his wife does their taxes..... (eyeroll) THAT’S WEAK TEA. YOU’RE RUNNING FOR

If you replaced Sanders with Trump, it wouldn’t seem that out of place. Trump hasn’t called for breaking up the banks, but the ramshackle way of talking around his idea instead cogently explaining it reminds me of Trump-speak.

Seriously. Almost Trump bad. I had no idea how little this man knew beyond his standard stump speech.

Yeah, that’s how it is ideally, but in reality in order to bill the police department for overtime the guy needs a job title and liaison sounds good enough.

THIS. Forget contraception or even health insurance. It was mind blowing that they would suggest that plans that cover exactly one type of regularly used service would exist. Like, how would that even work, there would be no defrayment of costs, everyone’s premiums would basically be the cost they’d pay anyway. In

President Obama is a constitutional scholar and an institutionalist. It was HIS choice, and he made a great choice. The President truly respects the role of the court and believes it should be above the politics, and this pick makes that clear.

Garland will be fine. SCOTUS needs a few justices who are institutionalist and incrementalist in their approach to stare decisis. If you go to the Supreme Court, you will see a lot of tortoise imagery. Specifically, these Tortoises that hold up the base of some lamp posts. The story goes that architect Cass Gilbert

Eh, I don’t believe that the President is mostly a figurehead. “President does not equal Prime Minister.” Chiefs of Staff have regularly put these words on the wall in their offices in the White House over the years to remind them that just because they have run into a deadlocked congress that doesn’t mean they can do

Hes got the people’s support because he bashes the establishment.

You have an amazing username, in addition to being one of the most correct people on all of kinja.

If they really felt good about it, they would have opened it closer to Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse to try to spoil the party for Disney/Marvel and 20th Century Fox. The timing of the production suggested a summer 2016 release, but they decided to move it up so it would be just outside the summer

I gotta think they will get an injunction so they won’t have to put up a bond. It seems that the judge made certain rulings throughout the trial regarding testimonies and the admissibility of certain items, and some of those rulings were appealed by gawker and they won reversals on those decisions, but the jury was

His top two people are Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver, two of the whitest white guys out there.

From an article published in the NY Times in 1992: “several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers”

In terms of innkeepers, there is common law and most states have statutory innkeeper laws that require innkeepers to take steps to prevent harm or injury caused by other guests. Most of these laws have provisions outlining that innkeepers have an affirmative duty to protect a guest’s right of privacy (with exceptions

Yeah, but no matter what, he won’t fool the old voight-kampff machine. It’s just a matter of how many questions it takes.

The thing just jumped like a centimeter and the guy freaked out and dropped his camera.

So in your logic the fine coming down for Porter was for following the rules and getting the refs permission? The league has access to all the NFL Films video and audio recordings, and they’ve spent the morning leaking to their regular sources that Joey Porter is in for a fine for his conduct. They made an effort to