
Google his name. Every article is that he’s getting a fine, not speculating, but reported by multiple sources. The league doesn’t leak to that many news outlets unless they want it known. They can’t issue fines until tomorrow and traditionally fines don’t come out until later in the week, so leaking this news early

WTF, thinking of Don Yee as borderline illiterate and crazy was one of the few constants I have left in this world, and then he goes and writes a cogent and relevant op-ed. Can’t count on shit in this world.

The league, upon review, clearly disagrees with you. Argue with them.

“Likely” to be fined, per Adam Schefter. But he’s never right about those kinds of things.....

Edit: Upgraded to “will be fined”

Well, Porter is getting a fine and Pacman isn’t, soooooooooo.....?

Rule 13 article 2 and article 8 are the relevant bits. From the rulebook:

In that case the Cowboys should sign Tebow. I maintain that Chip Kelly’s downfall began when he cut Tebow. People were predicting superbowl in preseason. Then they cut Tebow and look what happened.

At least we know he’s honest.

THIS. And seriously, her lap and lower abdomen was horrifically wrecked by that coffee, it had to have been close to 200 degrees to cause that kind of instant damage. From what I understand she also wanted McDonalds to lower it’s holding temperature and make a better fitting lid, and they refused so it went to trial

I’m about 21 grams too heavy for that job....

Sometimes they have these little pop-up canvas walls that they carry out to wall off the athlete from the cameras’ view. If they’re smart they let advertisers put logos on them for extra revenue.

Location might have something to do with it. One plays in a southern, former confederate state. The other plays in a bastion of liberal and PC culture.

It said he was on the sideline at the time he collapsed. I’m curious, did he play in the game?

I was there as well. It really was so ignorant of Ed Snider to invite her there with that crowd of blue collar workers whose money pays for him to have the privilege to slowly ruin this team with his never successful and unsustainable “win now” philosophy.

Wow, bad retro joke about philly fans when other teams fans are literally shooting each other. If I had any doubt I was on deadspin.....

And if utley had gotten a concussion and tejada was uninjured would they ban pivoting on the back the back leg? Never referee by result. It leads you down a road you can’t come back from like the NFL and NHL.

How can anyone be surprised by this when they see how the nfl gets to have its cake and eat it too. They punish players, refereeing based on result or media firestorm and not based on sticking to the judgement calls of the officials on the field which they claim to hold sacred, and they change calls the day after but

I think part of the problem for the US is that they compete against nations where soccer draws most of the nation’s best athletes. In the US, the best athletes tend to be spread predominantly across baseball, football, basketball.

The first year or two that the NHL did these videos they were sometimes inconsistent and awkward and Brendan Shanahan would sometimes misspeak and cause fans and commentators to chew his words apart. But by sticking to it and dealing with the criticism of being unclear or inconsistent, they have improved and honestly

Eh, I still go there like once a week, regardless of blood, feces, or jared.