
“I took care of AIDs patients back in the 80s — grim times. I respect this virus, but it doesn’t scare me.”

Exactly! It’s almost like HIV-negative blood is an incidental condiment at Subway.

I can’t help but notice that by asking those specific questions the manager is implying that bleeding on the customers’ food is only a problem for HIV positive employees, as if it’s just perfectly okay to get a meal covered in HIV-negative blood. Then again, it is subway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I also think the thick rib protector he wears makes his torso look a little blocky and causes his arms move a little awkwardly which makes him look like a video game character.

That bush email scandal was actually far worse because it involved potentially millions of emails being deleted and many of the emails in question were in RNC email accounts, which really seems like it should have been a Hatch Act violation.

I’m on AT&T and I was offered a new iphone 6s 128gb for $400 (list $850) by renewing my plan for another two years. My iphone 5 is 3 years old and still going strong. I’m only upgrading now because I don’t know that I’ll still be able to get an iphone subsidized by renewal if I wait another year with the way carriers

Common mistake, that’s J’onn J’onzz. And you should see the crap he gets on twitter from UFC fans.

You should have ended with the epic pic of Mike Tyson eating salad.

I keep wondering why Ted Wells doesn’t hire TMZ since they are better at actually getting evidence than him.

Decent camera work as well. The shot where the camera moves around in the opposite direction that she is rotating makes for a cool shot.

My thoughts exactly. I will likely get them a gift card to Wawa so they can buy their own delicious snacks without fear or concern. (Note: For those not in my corner of the north east, Wawa is a wondrous convenience store that just brings so much joy to the lives of so many people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.)

Apparently Pete Davidson is literally the ONLY person allowed to joke about it.

The only remotely valid hypothetical is when there is reasonable belief that the person might be at risk of medical harm because of inserting something into a cavity that might be absorbed and cause an overdose. Anal and vaginal cavities are said to have higher absorption rates than the digestive tract, and it’s

You are correct. He made some very cringe-inducing, tone deaf comments about how he hoped the women would be funny or if not then at least good looking. Hate to see an actor I like perpetuating the stereotypes that women aren’t funny or need to be attractive to have value. He also made complaints about the idea of a

The irony is that one of the companies that issued a report defending the patriots is AEI (American Enterprise Institute) who are shills for the GOP. Just like Goldman Sachs pretty much ran the Bush administration’s Treasury department with a revolving door regularly swapping personnel between Treasury and Goldman,

Evan Mathis

Except Evan Mathis or Todd Heremans...

I don’t think it has anything to do with appearance because Jason Peters is one of his absolute favorite players and leaders. He likes guys who show up early and leave late and are 24/7 football year round. The players who seem to get rewarded by Chip are the guys who seem to be as football obsessed as he is.

YESSSS. Whenever I hear her name I imagine that SNL sketch.