
Cause we sold those weapons to to them in the 80’s when they were the better alternative to Iran, and we knew that the weapons had a shelf life and therefore were useless by the mid-90s’ years before our invasion. We were not invading to recover old useless weapons, we were invading because of the false spectre of a

Either growing insecurity or she’s planning a future U.S. Senate run.

Cooney probably got bad information. In the philly sports media, exclusive sources don’t stay exclusive after a story breaks, and yet Cooney’s “sources” haven’t talked to any other writers about this supposed re-break since Cooney’s initial story was published. Cooney’s story also doesn’t hold up against the reality

You’re going to give them ideas. Like maybe they’ll pass a law declaring conception and birth as being the same thing and then declaring the womb as the child’s primary residence until the child chooses to move to a new residence.

So drinking the Sacramento King’s milkshake from across the room doesn’t qualify? He’s still barely above the salary floor and has expiring contracts, so even without tanking the sixers will be able to accumulate talent and draft picks for a few more years while developing one of the best group of young players out

As a Sixers fan I’m just happy some other team is taking the negative press for a little while.

Looks like they hit their goal! If $100k was about 1/3 of their annual financial assistance program then let’s keep sharing and try to get them as close to $300k as possible and cover not just this lost donation but their whole need for the year.

Now playing

Okay, so first, that picture is perfect for the story. Second, this:

I like this judge. I remember a few stories about the proceedings where she refused to take any shit from him, whether it be outbursts or mumbling under his breath while the prosecutor is speaking or making frivolous demands of the court.

That GIF is from Hot Fuzz, which I don’t recall being anything like what you just described.

Further proof that charter schools are a fucking cult.

“every new outrageous development only serves to obscure why we were supposed to be outraged in the first place.”

Good. Hannibal keeps me laughing more consistently than almost any other comedian or comic lately.

Yeah, somehow Jordan Matthew's 8 TD's as a rookie gets substantially overlooked in all the media narratives of the past three days.

I always thought using "wake up" in that context was the universal code for "this is a sarcastic take on conspiracy theorists." Maybe I should have thrown in a "sheeple" or two.

Dude, wake up. Where do you think they get the actors to for all the false flag attacks? They have actors "die" and then stay out of plain view for like 19 years and then have them show up to be caught on TV camera conveniently reacting to carefully triggered demolition explosions at the base of the buildings planes

Gotta throw it back yo. #TBT #YOLO #DisLyfeDoe

Definitely. She wore a dress like this in the movie Hook.

I may be reading WAY WAY WAY too far into this, but I think real dis was that the dancers bellybuttons were hidden, implying they were clones and thus fake, like Taylor, who never shows her bellybutton, and is thus fake, but Taylor's people caught wind and she made a special beach trip to specifically expose her

Peyton ain't gonna retire while his brother has two rings and he only has one.