
My memory could just be making things up but I vaguely recall that there may have been an interview with his mom or some other family member who confirmed that he does have anxiety and she expressed how proud she is of how far he has come given how anxiety was such a factor for him growing up. I got no problems with

The NFL's arduous efforts to make the cowboys relevant are no longer veiled. The league will do anything to give them an edge they don't deserve. Players get fines for far worse infractions and suspensions are rare except for PED's and before this year domestic violence convictions didn't even get suspensions, but

I don't do anything but occasionally fix computers for people who happen to be detectives. They're the ones who do the noble work.

PS, if you're curious about more information, pull up the docket of any child porn case on your local judiciary's website, and then read the testimony of the detectives. These detectives are really martyrs, they have to watch every minute and every second of this shit so they can make clear and complete testimony in

Nope. Child porn creeps use the old kazaa/edonkey/bearshare networks to share and seed their nastiness, and the cops got smart and learned how to use the same networks, and if you remember how those networks work, once you find somebody hosting a file and start downloading, you're immediately peered with a bunch of

Incorrect. See my response to RedWillDanaher above.

See my response to RedWillDanaher

Cyber Crimes detectives use a program that accesses the gnutella/edonkey/ares type of P2P networks, similar to programs like bearshare or kazaa except that the app the police use was designed and configured to use geo-location of IP addresses to identify IP's (using subnet lists provided by ISP's operating in their

No. The one who had the shrink wrap machine moved across the country. The other one is generally over his adolescent indiscretions and is a productive member of society.

I used to know some guys who would do that pretty regularly. The one kid's dad had a shrinkwrap machine and they'd make cash purchases, buying stuff like harddrives and video games and open them, remove the contents, replace them with similarly weighted and shaped objects and then reseal with the shrinkwrap machine

THIS! So much! These shits never realize that it's infinitely easier to tear down than to build up, especially when the world isn't free and bandwidth isn't free and a business the size of Microsoft would take hell from their shareholders if they suddenly tripled their bandwidth costs because some kid they hired out

Once again, some lame ass doesn't realize it's much easier to destroy than create and just embarrasses himself with broad statements like; "I'd buy more bandwidth, some specific equipment, and configure it correctly" essentially saying he thinks that the solution to DDOS for major companies is to essentially cave into

I always caution court watchers against reading too much into the line of questioning during oral arguments. Though some signs of cynicism or support can be divined from a line of questioning from the justices, very often they also ask questions designed to see how far the lawyers for the two sides are willing to

Rex Ryan might pick him to help boost the ol' "ground and pound" game, and try to salvage his head coaching job.

That dude is so fucking ready.

That's actually how I use it but not everyone is comfortable with command line so I focused on finding steps for the gui.

Another one; extracting all the frames from a video clip and placing them into a folder.

Not a nascar fan. Don't like Tony Stewart. But this ABC report is seriously tabloid garbage. The entire thing is from the perspective of "where was Tony Stewart while one guy (who wasn't Tony Stewart) was ambushing another guy (who also wasn't Tony Stewart)." Will ABC also give us the play-by-play of whether Tony

You are correct. I looked it up after I posted this and the rule is exactly as you stated it.

I'm pretty sure that Fiers couldn't be removed by his coach and would have to be injured or tossed out by the ump because Johnson had assumed Stanton's at-bat, meaning it was technically the same at-bat.