Future-ex Mrs. Malcolm

I feel like 70% of my paycheck already goes directly to Bon Chon, so I doubt I'll notice the difference in price when I'm snorting my crack-laced Korean fried chicken anyway.

Watched Okja and Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Liked both of them, especially the latter. Okja was a bit uneven in tone, I imagine that there will be a lot of pissed off parents who thought they were getting a harmless family movie and instead got a lot of violence and swearing. Also, what the hell was going on with Jake

I get weirded out by those who actually straight-up dip their pizza in ranch dressing, but the dressing makes dry and unpalatable crusts much better.

Aren't these shows running constantly in syndication on basic cable already?

"I ate a skanky burger" was in my teenage lexicon all through high school.

I read that in Laura Winslow's voice.

I'm like 90% sure its that guy.

Some angry old white man is threatening "hell to pay" if some other angry old white man gets fired, according to my brief glance at CNN, so of course I'm down for this because angry old white men making impotent threats is always entertaining.

It always sounded like a name out of The Hunger Games to me.

He clearly has serious anxiety issues. Hope he's ok.

I went to the one in San Francisco last year because I live near there and it was one of the few things I hadn't done yet. Beyoncé's figure was there. She is TINY. Publicity pictures make her look like 12 feet tall, but she can't be over 5'7.

My bad. It's been a while since I've seen that movie.

Last paragraph of the article:

News outlets are now entirely misinterpreting that part of the Random Roles interview where he says that Sharknado is going to revitalize his career. HE WAS KIDDING YOU MORONS.

Aaaf. Like the Afflack duck.

There's a Pho King Long near me, but I haven't been there. I heard the line out the door is fucking long, though. Hipsters ruin everything.

I would totally eat there.

The harpsichord solo on "In My Life" by The Beatles is lovely.

Perfectly said.

I am stunned. Chester was the voice of my teen years. I don't know what else to say. Talk to your friends about anxiety and suicide. Hug them tight.