
Wow, choosing this week to decrease their social media profile? These guys don’t have an original bone in their body.

True story - what’s even sadder for that beer vendor is that his job doesn’t even provide enough to allow him to go back to his home in Kansas to visit his father. His dad had to use some of his retirement savings to travel to Landover just to be able to see his boy.

LeBron James Put On A Great Dad Performance

I haven’t seen a beating in Boston like that since Mark Wahlberg blinded that guy while committing multiple hate crimes.

[...] A misstep would likelyterally have not gone over too well with his parents.

There are a Brazilion things wrong with this.

Oof, this is really going to drop his stock in the next update of Chad Ford’s 2012 NBA Draft rankings.

the attacker is not believed to have specifically targeted the tennis player personally, and instead had picked a house to rob at random

The word “hero” is tossed around a lot these days...

Deflated balls? Bad blood? That’s just part of being married folks!

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Of course he got the big heavy massage chairs from Brookstone- I think they’re the D Series Massage Collection. If he was smarter, he’d have gotten the smaller, lighter, but superior E-Series. I think we all know, though, that Flacco would never buy the E lite.

My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.

If this guy wanted to get really anal, he'd probably be turned down for that too.

ESPN: How much would it cost to fix this lens?

You obviously don't lift.

#11: Suppositories. No hard core Fitnesser or Workoutistsa ignores suppositories. Whether they be a small balloon filled with Great Stuff™ brand expanding foam, a tube of Chap-Stick® Classic Skin Protectant, or even a roll of pennies wrapped in duct tape, no "Exercise Routine" is complete without this vital,

Many moons ago there lived a strong and powerful chief. The chief ruled for many years and took many wives. The wives were well taken care of and wanted for nothing.

I was watching this newscast and noticed something. You call yourself Isis the Amazon, but in Greek mythology, Amazons only have one breast as their right breast is removed for increased mobility in battle. You clearly have two humongous breasts. What exactly happened here?