
The reason people outside his cult think he’s clever is because they’re dumbfounded that someone so obviously moronic and despicable has a cult following, attained the Presidency, and managed to garner over 70 million votes in the midst of a deadly pandemic that he made exponentially worse than it had to be through

That joke was Divine.  I’ll see myself out. 

What she said is absolutely correct. Quarterly does not mean once every 3 months on the dot, but, rather, once per quarter. That is to say, they could be paid at different times each quarter. Specifically, estimated tax payments are due in April, June (i.e. 2 months later), September (i.e. 3 months later), and January

Might have something to do with the color and orientation of the targets of this brand of governmental oppression. 

They’re too busy claiming that Twitter and Facebook are violating the First Amendment by taking down conspiracy videos. 

Members of the military abide by strict rules of engagement and swear an oath to the constitution. Cops do neither. Combine that with being conditioned from the jump to have an “us v. them” mentality, and there you go.

Anti-semitism was a thing waaaaay before that. You say “Palestine” lost its land, like there was a distinct, autonomous Palestine before that. It was a British-controlled territory that was previously part of the Ottoman Empire.

You’re addressing whether or not the state is to be differentiated from the government.  I believe the commenter to whom you’re responding is attempting to differentiate the state/government from the people. 

No one is in a “zone” their entire workout. You just need to make sure you’re not interrupting someone while they’re actually training (i.e. catch them during a set break). The more seriously you train, the more you understand the need for a spot and have no problem giving one. 

Someone needs to tell Michael that salad spinners are for getting excess water off your salad greens after washing them, NOT for tossing the salad. 

And before that, five, and before that, 2 (x2). The spacing between novels is getting longer, the odds of him finishing the series in 7 novels seems low given the plotlines he needs to tie together (unless he’s putting out 1,000 page mega-novels), and he’s 70 years old and in not the best shape. He’s either stymied by

That quote doesn’t criticize that particular tropes. Honestly, though, everything is a trope. Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years. And tropes exist for a reason - because they represent certain truisms or recognized ways of telling stories and connecting with the audience. https://tvtropes.org/pmwik

I actually thought it was going to be something alone these lines.  The issue then is, how do you defeat the Night King?  He’s so powerful that the only way it’s going to happen is if he’s lured into a trap/caught off guard. 

The latter is not excruciatingly hard. If you can devote about 4 hours a week to weight training and track and control what you put in your mouth, it’s achievable.

Frankly, his comment about which exercises to prioritize is kind of dumb... yes, squatting and deadlifting are the best compound exercises you can do (and biceps curls are pretty ancillary), but upper body is important, too! And hip-thrusting is great for adding some size to your glutes, but it’s really not where

Most bodybuilders are very strong and most weightlifters are pretty jacked.  Check out videos of Kai Greene incline benching 500 or google Li Hongli.  

I think this is why I like them.  I started following football in the early 90's and there’s a nostalgic feel about them, which isn’t to say they’re objectively good.

Lol, no. Why expend so much political capital on something guaranteed to fail? Investigate the shit out of him, get his returns, subpoena everybody, etc. but impeachment is a waste of time, even if it’s absolutely warranted. 

And that would be a compelling argument if they hadn’t kept Eli’s corpse around for 2018 and used the number 2 spot in the draft to take a player at the most fungible position in the league in the most quarterback-rich draft in years.

The NFL is a league of retreads and copycats. Schiano is absolutely going to get an undeserved head coaching gig in the next 2-4 years.