
Most Americans honestly have no idea what “socialism” (which, admittedly, is a pretty amorphous term) actually means. I’ve seen some on the right associate it with “National Socialism” (dead wrong) and totalitarianism (i.e. the U.S.S.R. model, not realizing that one is an economic system and the other is a political

I think it’s important to note it is by *default*, though.  I mean, it’s not an actual accomplishment of Trump’s.  Republican President, Republican Senate.  A dead body with an R next to its name would have the same record. 

Jared strikes me as the kinda guy who has sex by pulling it out of his fly. 

I bristle every time I hear this comparison. I have a 3 year old. Most of my close friends have kids in the 2-5 age range.  Each of them has more patience, empathy, ability to display genuine love and affection, humor, and affinity for fruits and vegetables than Drumpf.

Except his name is Andrew, so...

Except Olympic lifters don’t bench press, so....

Olympic lifters don’t bench press, so....

Thanks. Yea, the racists have me dismayed, too, but we can’t do a damn thing about them ... my thought is, as long as our party is doing what it can (mobilizing the vote, especially minorities and the historically disenfranchised, and advocating progressive policies) and succeeding, we have grounds for optimism. Like,

How do you figure? Dems flipped the house and 8 governor’s mansions; Texas almost elected a Dem to the Senate for the first in 30 years; Colorado has a gay governor; two native American women and a Muslim woman won election to the House (both firsts); Florida restored voting rights to convicted felons.  Was it a total

They help with ankle mobility more than hip mobility, but otherwise, spot on.

there’s an explanation... he’s a useful idiot to them too. White Christian nation > individual moral failings


And that’s not even her best lift.

And yet, somehow, the Rethuglicans would find a way to discredit her. Remember John Kerry?

I agree he wants to be a dictator, but it’s not that he’s consciously trying to transform the US into an autocracy, it’s that he’s a petulant, shit-for-brains man baby who has no idea what the Presidency actually entails and has spent his entire life being coddled and indulged.

Exactly what I’m saying. You busted your ass to build a business, you want it to survive your control - which means putting itin the hands of a capable successor, whomever that may be.

It’s really not. Also, there’s all sorts of finance options. Anyway, doesn’t sound like this owner availed himself OF the option of putting his daughter in place to be successful (assuming the accuracy of the OP’s statement, which there’s no point in disbelieving since this is all anonymous/hypothetical), since she

Well, OP didn’t say that. Also, transferring ownership to his daughter doesn’t sound like the best succession planning. Plenty of business owners with idiot offspring sell the company, including to worthy employees they know will continue the brand. The owner seems short-sighted.

Point of order: the British Royal Family is as Greek as they are British... i.e., ethnically/culturally not at all. The Greek royal family was a bunch of inbred Germans. We don’t claim them.

So much this. Energize and mobilize your base, rather than try to pander to win retrograde morons who aren’t going to vote for you anyway.