Her villainous characterization is definitely over the top, but we are definitely given reasons to be sympathetic to her, which season 4, in particular, highlights (sick mom, absentee dad, she’s financially responsible for her family).
Her villainous characterization is definitely over the top, but we are definitely given reasons to be sympathetic to her, which season 4, in particular, highlights (sick mom, absentee dad, she’s financially responsible for her family).
Agreed. Hayley Atwell is a treasure, and I’ve enjoyed her immensely in this series.
Since this episode followed a lot of the same beats as the FA, that’s my head canon.
I really like that they made Peggy Amazonian; it makes perfect sense that the serum would’ve had that effect on her.
I have never heard this referred to as “Greek coffee.” It’s just diner coffee, which and the diner business used to be dominated by Greeks.
“Armenia and Lebanon were also part of the Ottoman empire and didn’t exist in any independent land before WWI.”
Butter has only a very small amount of lactose anyway, so most lactose intolerant folks can consume it no problem.
Punitive damages are almost never awarded for breach of contract.
Force majeure clauses excuse performance. I don’t think that’s quite the case here. It’s not like Disney is failing to perform an affirmative obligation; rather, it affirmatively chose a streaming release.
Also, the operation of the force majeure clause is an affirmative defense, as to which Disney would have the…
There’s a lot of White Castles in NJ, they’re just mostly in the northeastern part of the state (Bergen, Essex, Passaic, Union).
Edit: nm, I see this has been corrected. Cheers.
The one in Lodi is technically north of 80.
Powerlifting with hypertrophy-focused accessory work is just powerlifting. “Powerbuilding” is just a way people try to differentiate themselves from the stereotype of the fat multi-ply lifter, which hasn’t really been accurate for about a decade.
Nothing balanced about it, but I’ll bet it’s delicious.
She’s an unrepentant troll, but she’s not good at it, so I don’t know if I’d call her world class. She’s definitely a world class asshole, though.
The population is not a monolith. In the last election, with approx. 53% turnout, 3.5 million people voted for Abbott’s Democratic challenger. What would those numbers have looked like without voter suppression? What about a better-educated populace? One of Ashley’s points, as i read, is was don’t shit on the people,…
I keep hearing this, but I’m not so sure. Part of Trump’s appeal is his incompetence. His supporters like him because he’s an utter moron. It’s apparently hard to emulate. I have yet to see anyone else on the right do it. Cruz tries and fails. Cotton and Hawley are too slick.
Politics is also self-selecting in a lot of regards, in that it draws narcissists.
But the best part is the leftovers 4-5 hours later, and then again the next day!
This take is deeply fucking stupid, since the majority leader is selected by his/her own party. No way McConnell would be the majority leader if Dems had their say.