
Thank you.

Good ale, if they have it!

And don’t be afraid of socks, either.

No contest. Space is scary in a way we cannot relate to. I see the moon, but have no concept of its size. I know space kills in many ways, but have no concept of their magnitude and ‘feel’ before I expire.

In today’s uber-litigious environment, best say nothing.

A towel, of course. It’s about the most massively useful thing ...

The illustration ignores the axis along which the dimensional anxiety rests!

Hey, your intro gave me an idea. Just as offices may have Casual Fridays, let offices have Commando Mondays! Does wonders towards team building. 

Garlic comes in many ‘states of matter’, depending on how long it’s been since it was gathered, in what conditions it was kept, how it has travelled to you and even on present temperature. This method works only for a certain range of garlic ages and a certain range the other variables. Do try it, by all means, ‘cause

Regarding radio hams, I was convinced that Morse would be the domain of ultra-paleo people who hunt for used power triodes, understand filament voltages, know how to calculate and wind coils, and spout CQ40 at 7 Mhz. And I thought that the number of such persons would be in the hundreds, at most. Was I wildly wrong?

Your family may indeed, like many others, felt threatened, or suffered directly. We’re not discussing this aspect.

I’d hate to be tagged as one who does not appreciate the artistic aspects of nerdiness, and does not applaud nerdy trailblazers. Nevertheless, someone must ask, and I volunteer:

Tito and his partisans are indeed the other, good, side of that awful time.

Understood. Thanks. Seems to me I do not care about format whan I paste in the URL box. But here, in this response, that is great. It was always there and I was blind!

If you piss is this color, leave the keyboard now, and seek expert medical help!

So, is your thesis that Croatia was hijacked by the Ustasha? The question is how many were they, that they managed to exterminate 90% of Croatian Jews, and perhaps execute other nasty deeds I don’t know about? If they were many, that is enough answer for me. If they were few, that means they’ve had many collaborators,

Copied into what? Why is that mentioned in a Chrome context?

Still not with you - are you you’re referring to Chrome as an OS? I want to learn. What “text box”? Ia a text processing application? Perhaps an example?

I grew up close to that area. Most Eastern European nations sprouted a fascist regime and cooperated with the Nazis. Croatia was just “a tad more avid and exacting” in buying that attitude and execution thereof.

Not a lemon. Nope. My money is on a Minority Report-type drone.