
I gave a star to dhdhjf, but that wasn’t enough - I’m here to say that no, we’re not deluded by a Western European revisionist history. I have no ‘feel’ for how strident and/or obnoxious is the average sentiment in Croatia now, but there is no denying their nastiness around WWII.

sorry, I’m a bit thick: where ‘on Windows/Chrome’?

been there - sometimes it’s the only frustration-free avenue

For Word I’ve written (with help from almighty internet) a macro that does PasteSpecial/UnformattedText. Interestingly, the matching with what’s already there happens automatically. But for GMail I select whatever I pasted and format it to my ‘default’ font and size, ‘cause I’m anal retentive. Still, in GMail, pasting

Get a star even before I read anything. The title is brilliant!

a professional iron is kept hot all day long, and at the right temp too.

Man is a true controller surgeon, fro open heart down to placebo!

Adaptation/scripting going for the no-brainer ending. I.e. no finale!

Re: No one needs these hacks. Bottle uncapping with the folded sheet is a keeper, though. 

Tons and oceans of words. Whatever they say,steal our narrative is not a legitimate complaint, in my book, just as a complaints about a white guy voicing Apu [just voicing, I’m not discussing other aspects of that quarrel] are not legitimate. Some call it whining? It sort-of is.

Honest question here. I ‘know’ heaps of stuff, facts, trivia and stories that I read sometime in the past. These aren’t tools. At best, they are general, eclectic knowledge. Now, where is the calculus I learned? Where is the linear algebra? Where are the finer details of beautiful low-level software functionalities I

I don’t know what environment is FEMA referring to. A hot home? FEMA says “fans dry the skin so evaporation can’t occur“. Huh? Can anyone second that? I believe that if you have air, even the same hot air that surrounds you while outside in heat, flow over you, it reduces vapor pressure close to your skin,

First line of advice, for the non-extreme end of the daring spectrum: drink before you feel thirst. Drink once in a shortish while, do not skimp.

my average kitchen is 24 Celsius. And my basil does not wilt! Some of it is usable, the other part stinks to high heaven. But it’s all in the past. Let restaurants feed me basil, I’m done with frustration.

Had to scroll like forever, just to say that the binoculars illustration is cool.

Dried herbs: Some are a good equivalent. Some not. When a huge-ish heap of chopped parsley is called for, dried parsley is not a poor substitute, it is no substitute at all.

OK, here’s my blunt statement: Vestinos Shmestinos. You may get mileage from it with other green stuff, but basil is basically there to ruin your day. Use it on the day you brought it home. Starting the next day, it is devilish organic frustration. There’s new swear words I coin every time I try water jar storage of

Another directly relevant issue is paw-burn on scorching pavement - it’s a real thing dog owners must also be wary of.

I pity his significant other.

....A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any interstellar Hitchhiker can carry. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady