
Yup, that is what she is doing. That it is a little sad that she has too. Because she has played just as much college ball as Michael Smith, Skip Bayless, Max Kellerman, Stephen A Smith, Will Cain, etc.

Lol, thanks for playing.

So calling you a trumplet is insulting you? Lol First of all, you didn’t denied it, so it is true. Secondly, if you’re going to need thicker skin online and in real life if calling you a trump voter hurts you’re little feeling.

You say i’m wrong but offer no proof. Let me guess.. you’re a trumplet?

I reserve judgement until I see it but a foldable or bendable phone seems overrated. IMO give me thinner phone anyday.

Ok so I crack this thing... it is 12 words: desert resolute sheep decisive step statement listen agree spade cure base heavenly

Remember when cars interiors were couches? And you could have fun in them/

Now you’re talking.

1.) accord sells? That is 0ne car is Honda’s lineup. people buy or don’t buy cars base on more then just then exterior styling? You know that right?

The outback needs the wrx engine. IMO I don’t like the 3.6

Most honda models look decent or better. The only Honda car that is fulgy is the civic. That thing needs to be taken behind the barn and shot.

Yup, Nissan or Mitsubishi hands down.

Yeah, Ben Asslick can get any crappy tattoo he wants, where he messed up was lying about it, and calling it fake. Then not thinking people would call him out on it.

As a white person that lives in north austin. This shit is fucked up. You think we would be farther long in 20fucking18?

As a white person, I have to say this shit is fucked up. Didn’t even make the National news until some whites guys tiggered his tripwire.

His doctor cleared him already. Idk what his problem is.

Do you think Deadpool gropes him in the film?

FYI autocorrected. Proofreading? Nope. Usually no need and this is a comment board not a grammatical prefect research paper.  

Do you, you know, believe even you read and don’t, you know, have a mind of you’re own?

We can speculate reasons all day. But cause and effect is still at relevant. He broke the law, had a fair trial, and now will serve time. Case closed.