
Money and greed. Samsung and carriers are selling the phone cheaper to the consumer by stuffing it full of bloat and junk. Yes, doesn’t explain why when you buy an unlock Samsung phone it still has bloat, that seems to be a Samsung decision.

And then posting online for views and laughs.

Yeah, throw him in jail, because that is the antisemitic hate crime laws in the UK. Antisemitic hate crimes are up over a third in one year from 2016-2017 in the UK.

They are supposed to be fluorescent yellow

Yup this.

What were these girls doing at this sickos house? Did his wife know? Questions

Most food scales for healthy eating are like this. If you are weighting anything of value you need a different scale. 

Puppy mills need to be stopped. Not saying, and I don’t know, if this place is one. I hope not.

9 b., “I have black friends”

Yeah American’s can’t live without ac or heat, so I believe this is more trouble than it is worth in the states.

Gaining experience isn’t extreme privilege, it’s time and hard work.

Some people have too much time on their hands

Yup, weed is safer the drinking. Which I find so ridiculous

Still illegal to sell it without a license even in places where it’s legal.

I don’t think he meant rape, I think he meant tested. As in fighting.

Ripley was born on the moon, Malcolm Reynolds was born of planet shadow so I guess technically they are aliens in the “trumplets hate you” sense of the word...

Here in Austin, plastic bags have been ban for a while. Which sucks because I used to used them as small trash bags. lol

Welcome to America.

Yup, also physical switch games cheaper, if you got Best Buy gamer’s unlock. Plus, physical games can be given to your nephew when you done playing it. lol

Yeah, you got something to hide, alphanumeric is the way to go. According to howsecureismypassword website, the password “greyboxcantcrackedthis!” would take 6 quadrillion years to crack...