
Gold crowns can last for 50 years.

So he was trying to write “there’s ever been a person of color killed by a police officer.” ? That does’t make sense....

You don’t store movies on the 4k apple tv. It is all cache. The storage is for games and apps.

Being about to said “us first!”, but of course Royole beat them to the market.

So... She got a bad Japanese tattoo and cover up. Then had a hissy fit, and when on a social media rant, stop selling Japanese mech, and also stop study Japanese?

I hate salads. Do you think power walking would help me get over my hatred?

Not only capital, the man power that is pulled away for other crimes would be crazy. Plus people drive like asses in heavy traffic. You also introduce deaths for traffic accidents.  

Don’t know about New York, but in texas, check points and “no refusal weekends”are usually done during holidays and music festivals. Basically when people are more likely to get wasted.

Really? Sweet!

Co-sign virtual CloneDrive for windows, on a Mac you can almost always just double click the iso file to mount it.

The pro bowl is more like the pro bowel. It is a crap game.

You’re their ex and mad that you can’t used his/hers Netflix?

How complex was your password? Any weirdness on your email account that was being used for Netflix? Being that they didn’t get back into your new account, I’m assuming your PC wasn’t compromised? 

To be fair, Trump isn’t the first racist president. He just isn’t a politician or a good leader for that matter, so he can’t hide it.

This only thing wrong with this commercial was the Terry Crews bit. His alleged attacker was never charged. It promotes guilty by just being accused.

I think this cookie guy is trolling... How can he be so misinformed?

I’m with you. I’m on PrEP and still used condoms. Hey condoms break.

That, and to see if you caught HIV, is why you get blood work done every 3 months. Severe damage is basically a non-issue because they will find any damage very early and you can get off of the drug.

Nah, skip the women jeans. Most are too low raise and have ridiculous small pockets. Plus most women jeans fabric has too much stretch in it, going to look like you’re wear jeggings.