
We get it, you don’t used apple products.

Yup, I’m going to spam the fuck out of my S.O. with the talking poop face!! :D

I’m more impressed with the bigger the 8 plus screen in a package a little bigger then the iPhone 8.

This. if you’re going to go all self-loathing over an iPhone, how about you don’t buy it?

Why are Irish catholic women above reproach?

Lol did I hurt your fragile little belieber feeling?


Are you Trolling or just stupid?

Not complaining. We are just laughing at the over privileged fool bitching and crying over wanting a custom color. Lol it really is quite sad and pathetic.

Quality, eco friendly, real support for their products and R&D?

No it’s not a samsung phone. Zing!

Yup, I saw thought the same thing. Some intern probably rebooted the phone. Also, iPhones require the pin after 48 hrs of not being used.

So when I buy a new car, way more $$$ then a phone, the company should make me a custom color? You sound over privilege, epic first world problems.

What I find weird is that youtubers gang up trying to defend him, I guess it money. When Justin Bieber say the same word, you didn’t see all pop singers try to defend him.

Most people do this just to protect themselves from identity theft and etc. If you’re a criminal, you probably should avoid using phones at all. Too easily tracked and carriers work closely with police.

Just encrypt your backups on computer. Don’t used any cloud services. Used signal or wickr, Firefox focus and non US based VPN. Then setup erase iphone after 10 failed attempts. And click erase iphone from find my iphone if you lose it. No real need for a 2nd phone. Even though I have 2 phones too, one for business

I do alcohol, gift cards and cash. Kids like cash. If you know what phone/device they used everyone needs iTunes or google play cards.  

If I see the Leto joker, I will just start laughing about his bad acting and tattoos.....

There is a whole gay subculture built around these type of guys, they are called chubs.

Stop whiny, so you can’t use your face to unlock things. Doesn’t make up for all the times you were able to trade places in school for test.