
Super sperm or malpractice lawsuit?

I did that too. When the later date comes, I don’t think I will be finishing the sign up process.

Seriously I work in IT, and yes people can get fired. It is up to the owners and whatever company policy they have. It isn’t up to IT, they just give whatever reports and logs they are ask for. Usually you sign paperwork before being hired that states you wouldn’t do what you are doing, and it is normally a couple

Hi This is Bill from the IT department, we being monitoring your slacking and misused of company equipment, Jane from HR wants to talk to you.

Starting to look like he is done. Happens to every NFL QB. Might be too early in the season for that statement, but this season should be fun and interesting to watch.

lol everybody freaking out over a rumor. Let the phone come out before deciding to buy it or not.

American football = nut shots.

Yeah you did. You say “items” a bag is one item, and you never say bag. Stop backtracking.

So a moleskine isn’t over priced and “pretentious” when you can get comp books for about 50 cents a piece? Interesting.

This is why I hate windows. MacOS or mint here. But most PCs you’re wiping windows off to install Linux anyway. So that is kind of that same thing. :/

Fun game we can play, it’s call “Find the hater in the room”. Lol

You never seen a dyno where the car lost power by going too big on exhaust? Not trying to be an ass but, have you tuned cars or are you just watching YouTube videos?

Not that simple, Your engine needs a little back pressure, for peak power numbers.

You misunderstood. I don’t share with friends, I only share with SO. He only has his daughter and me on there.

You really have trust issues. Hope this hopes!

The GT is mustang stands for granding touring. When the mustang first came out, it wasn’t a fast car. It was a sporty car.

Sounds you’re defining sporty cars as fake sports cars. But yes grand tourers are awesome.

Privacy isn’t necessarily dishonesty. Like I said, me and my significant other use find my friends.But IMO if your dating, then no don’t used the app, or turn it off. If I was just dating and someone wanted to track me, I would see that as creepy. Now if you took the jump and got married or partnered up, then trust

Must be nice to have a job and life with a regular schedule. Unfortunately owning your own business, stuff isn’t like that.

Yup, my partner and I used find my friends for this very reason. I have to travel for work once or twice a week, and it saves a lot of worry text. Plus it is a lot easier to tell if a person is home without having to text those annoying, “are you still at work?” Texts.