
The only thing better that a hate crime bigot crying in jail, is a rapist getting raped in jail.

HIV even with treatment still steals about 10 years off your life. HIV drugs do get better every year. IMO I think every person that is dating should be on PrEP and use condoms correctly. They are many evil people out there that know they are postive and don’t tell their partners.

Being that his shoes look like ugly Kobe knockoffs with fake adidas boost, this sounds about right.

Wait.. there is a ban on sunscreen? My fair skin ass would have died in school without sunscreen!

From the waist down? That’s a little racist. Pun intended.

Wow Samsung just needs to let this phone die. The constant reminders that they release the same bomb twice (now 3 times) isn’t good for their image. Just move on Samsung. Nobody wants that shit, especially “fans”.

This is going to be a boring fight. Boxer that can’t read running the whole time, and mma fighter that can’t box chasing him.

Disagree, Dude playing O line sucks. Maybe higher levels are different, but I was on the O line in high school. All I wanted was to play defense. Seems more fun. Lol

Michael Sam wound still be in the NFL playing backup on some team if he was in the closet. That is the sad truth.

This. Gays are still treated like second class citizens, even here in the US. Texas just took away gay marriage benefits. I wish it wasn’t so.

OR he kills the machine, bank manager sticks “Atm is down” note on it, and he is trapped until a maintenance guy comes the next day..

So are you saying he deserved to be outed because he was on a TV show, or that people that have personal issues and are working through them shouldn’t be on TV?

She didn’t deserve being slapped. But she outed a guy on national TV in the 90's? That is messed up. She is a bad person. Especially the way she is still trying to justify it.

Seriously question, I never saw this show but what is people’s issue with it? 1.) Is it that extremely fat people are motivated to lose weight with money?

I know she got stop for driving while black, but I thought it was illegal for cops to randomly run tags without a reason?

True, but most of this blue and dark red areas aren’t good first tattoo areas anyway. Hell, Any highly visible area isn’t a good tattoo area. Because it can effect your job potential.

There is a difference between not being able to pay and not wanting to pay.

This. I think is this a trolling article. I have a decent education and i don’t eat raw fish. At sushi places i get the american rolls or fried rice. Anybody that has been following the news would avoid raw fish.

...or one malware program and you lose everything. 2006, the year malware took out my pc and nas, and I then switched to mac and started storing a backup harddrive at my parent’s house.