
IMO ghosting is for cowards, and most people can handle a, “Thank you, but i’m not interested in a second date.” If they can’t, just block them.

And only 3 people won’t that no power no A/C car. It wouldn’t cost more then the regular mass produced one.

Balls. Big hairy balls.

With Ball hog harden? Paul is never going to touch the ball... and he is a point guard!

Genetics are a motherfucker. Sometimes to can’t fight them.

Yup, They aren’t saying. I sure it is come out in time after his family and friends have time to mourn.

My partner is scared of flying too. We can’t go anywhere that isn’t in driving range.

Yup this 100%. I’m only in my mid 30's but even now I don’t recovery from the gym as quickly and injuries hurt just a little bit longer.

Thought so. Because 30 yo body is way better then a 40 yo body. Unless you were an “unhealthy” 30 yo.

Would you say you’re in better shape then your 30 yo version? Or are your saying better then other people?

Question about storage. If you keep your condoms in a hot car, and used them and they don’t break. Are you still safe? Or doesn’t that cause them to breakdown someway every if they don’t physically break?


Fox, putting the “ox” in toxic for years.

No FAA approval? What a POS.

You realized they are not going to stop right? The warped religious signs and evidence collecting will continue. 

This. As long as dude respects quiet hours and his shop doesn’t spill over unto my property.

So a straight bro can jack off 2 other bros in the shower. But if a gay athlete just wants to be out and on a team, everyone freaks out? Sounds legit.

Do people really feel guilty for using the elevator? If I want to workout, I’ll go to the gym. And I won’t be wearing a dress shirt.   

Yeah, I think this is awesome, a lot of straight people are still under the delusion that only gays get HIV.

Surprise there is nothing in his contract about smoking cigars. I guess the League only cares about stuff that can hurt you during your career and not life long?